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PJ 31



SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991 7:17 A.M. YEAR 4, DAY 283

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991

Hatonn in Light--may it also be thine knowing. What is in a name? Nothing. What is within a “being"? ALL. Let us just get "right to it"! Come walk with me along this path; take my hands and come with me and it shall be Glory! Amen.


Without light all things perish. Even in the greatest depths of the oceans wherein life seems to be resting--there is life and thus--there MUST be light. To the human eye indiscernible but, nonetheless--it is there for God is there and with God goes and comes that which is projected as "Light".

We speak of things great and small and, yet, ALL is tiny compared to the vastness of infinite universe--greater "ALL". Man comes forth and overlooks his most wondrous attribute--that he, too, is naught save Light and he, being "Light", is as God or God IS LIGHT. Man searches and searches, figures and calculates looking for that which is NOT in his hope to find God and Source for he longs to be with the ONENESS again from that of which he is created. Ye are simply the great swirling infinity of spiraling light coalesced into wondrous manifestation that has taken form that ye might experience with thine senses, the magnificence, for God, too, desires to share and experience all.

The day is now come when all Men must know what is meant when the great teachers have said, "God is Light". For if you know not, you cannot know God--and that, friends, must be known. In the swirling mass of words we use efforting to allow understanding, you are lost in portions which yet elude your comprehension at first looking–do not despair for Knowing simply IS just as God "simply IS". The "KNOWING" must also come. It is the time, now, for the bringing together, again, the fragments of explanations wherein those who are ready for knowledge can grasp the sensing and allow it to become knowing. For those who are not ready in their journey, it will come if ye do not turn away. Continue on with us and we shall show the way for that is our purpose in coming unto you.

Vast knowledge is held (all, in tact) within the wondrous mysterious secret of "Light" and though it is all around Man--he cannot see it for it reflects too many myriads of infinite other creations back into his senses. That which Man cannot "see" is somehow incomprehensible to him. God becomes as the wind for it is not seen and yet it is unmistakenly "there", and yet, even the wind is comprised of Light.

Man still knows not what matter IS. He has advanced far in knowing how to deal with portions of matter but you still do not understand the true source nor the "why" of matter. We are now trying to tell you the "what" of matter. It has been done before--by me, in fact and yet only the tiny, tiny few have been able to transfer the knowledge into recognition. It is time to present it again and see if we touch the buttons of recognition. I do not bring puzzles simply to annoy you, when what you really want to know is when the earthquake is coming so you can wait until the last moment to run hide. Those things are fine for the sensed experience but the sensed experience is but the thought projection of God and, as God desires to return into the perfection, it requires that the KNOWING take place. In the KNOWING IS GOD, therefore don't be foolish in your assumption that you might make a "wrong" choice of direction once you KNOW. You will not! Choices of the flesh and physical sensing dimension are simply that--an illusion which passes as quickly as do the changing thoughts. To really KNOW GOD IS TO BE WITH GOD.

You as physical Man have not even begun to scratch the surface of the patterns known to you as energy, electricity, magnetism, gravitation and radiation. You have learned to play with them, change them into destructive toys and partially locate a few of their actions--but you have not the slightest true knowledge of them. You can develop bombs of them and yet have no way to control that which you have developed.

You haven't the slightest valid knowledge of the purpose of the inert gases and WHAT THEY ARE. Nor do you know the structure of the elemental atoms nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. You are not aware of the fact that this is a two-way continuous universe of balance in all effects of motion and not a one-way discontinuous universe. Only a finite few on your place have even heard of the most important of all principles in physics which is recognized by us as the VOIDANCE principle. You know nothing of the lenses and mirrors of space which are the cause of illusion in all moving things. You do not even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion which it is; there being no reality to it whatsoever--so you continue to play with your perceived bits of matter and miss the whole point.

You haven't the slightest iota of knowledge of the cause of curvature of space, nor the voidance of that curvature in planes of zero curvature at wave field boundaries. Not one person KNOWS FOR PHYSICAL SURENESS how it is that crystals get their various shapes. It will amaze your old world to know that those shapes of crystals are determined in space by the shapes of the wave fields which bound the various elemental structures. Oh, some have told you for I have told them but they understand not and, therefore, put the Truth of it aside to continue the ego tinkering and speculations--all of which are incorrect.

You haven't the slightest conception of what constitutes the very life principle, nor the principle of growth, nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refoldment principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially and records and voids them as they are repeated. You can present and manufacture replicas--you cannot even begin to simulate true LIFE. Nor are you aware of that recording principle by means of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequential cycle in His unfolding and refolding universe unto the very end of its manifestations upon one planet and its beginning on a new one. You just shout "big bang" or "creation of little fishes" or, or, or--all of which bear not the slightest connection with simple "reason".

"LIGHT" holds the answer to ALL of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many more, which the ages have not yet solved nor known enough to even ask. This revelation of the nature of Light is the inheritance of Man in this time in which he finds himself--a time of great revealment and comprehension. You want to "prove" God? Herein is proof of God-- by methods and standards acceptable to science and religion alike. It lays a spiritual foundation under the present material one of science, which you don't understand any better than the invisible one.

Will Man understand? Eventually--it matters not--it is our mission to commit the fragments unto you and yours to do that which you will, with them. If Man will but come into attention, the two greatest elements in civilization, religion and science, can thus find unity in marriage of the two. Will Man do it? On your orb of earth matter, probably not, but at some time on some earth orb-- MAN WILL--(the same man--you). Why do I know this? Because it is the projection of God that it be so and therefore, it will be so. My intention is to make it so! Well, who in heaven's name do I think I am? God! So be it!

(Candace: for new readers, Hatonn is Aton/Christ Michael, as used in the Urantia Book, who is FATHER GOD of our universe, who incarnated here 2000 years ago and has returned as he promised, incarnate again, not by “birth” but in a created body that will allow him to walk this planet. When the Creator Son incarnates on a world, that world is told that he who has seen the SON, has Seen the Father. EACH universe and there are MANY universes, has a Creator Son, who was created by the Universal Father and Eternal Son. The Creator Son thus manifests the Father and Son of the Trinity. The Infinite Spirit, the 3rd person of the Trinity, is manifested in each Universe also, and is “MOTHER GOD” which is also called the Holy Spirit, and her “name” is being presented on earth as Nebadonia, because our universes name is Nebadon. That said, the Eternal Son, is also known at the Mother Son, as he is ‘Mother to many Sons” including the Creator Sons. )

Likewise human relationships will become more balanced because of greater knowledge of universal law which lies behind all of the processes, which light uses to interweave the patterned forms of this electric wave universe.

There is no department of life which will not be vitally affected by this knowledge, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation. If for no other reason than to allow you to see your errors. Those who choose to not see and hear--shall be allowed the consequences of those errors of choice. There are places aplenty to allow for their onward growth--for ultimately they WILL KNOW.

I can only present it to you in mouthful’s of quantity sufficient to feed and not choke. Perhaps a spoonful of sugar might make the medicine go down a bit more pleasantly--I hope so for the direction in which Man is sailing is toward the bitter cup in the learning of his lessons.

I caution you "would be" teachers who THINK you've "got it" and proceed to expound ad nauseam--you do NOT! You are only touching on the minutest edge and if you present this material in wholeness as in total understanding, you will err greatly. I suggest you put your ego aside and learn to use the term, "in my humble opinion" it might be this or that or the other. How do I know that you do not know it all? BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL BOUND TO HUMAN AND HUMAN SENSING--WHEN YOU KNOW YOU WILL NOT BE THERE IN THAT EXPERIENCE. I suggest you tend that weapon called tongue most carefully.


Who, what, why, where, when? All of these scream from the being within each fragment. Suspecting MORE, knowing Truth is hidden somewhere within or behind the veil. How am I to know Truth? What, in fact, is Truth? I am still asking who am I? What am I? And most of all, WHY am I? Where do I fit into and within the universe, to Man, and to God? If Balance be my goal--HOW can I find it? How can I find and know that balance in our interchange which will enrich both him and me? Why is goodness veiled from my eyes like a thin vapor which hides YOUR LIGHT, Father, which I vainly seek. I seek in countless religious teachings and houses and still I hunger--where can I go to find? Please, will YOU take away from my eyes the blindfold which hides the path to Thy Light, that I may find my way to Thee? Sound familiar? I hear it as a great cacophony upon my receiving system.

You wondrous ones who are receiving this word now, are the ones out front asking these questions--screaming these questions and demanding, commanding and crying out for answers; for Man must be ready to hear and, first, he must have the desire to hear and see and KNOW. Those who truly do not desire to hear--WILL NOT! It is for your own growth that you release them to their own journey, even if you perceive it to be pitiful for it is not for your journey-- just do not err by being sucked into their mistakes for the rewards of deliberately turning away from God into darkness are great indeed--in a most miserable perception.


ALL progresses in cycles. This includes civilization. New comprehension periodically transforms mankind into higher beings. A new cycle, of which shall take around three thousand of your years in counting, is now in its birth throes.

God's omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are centered in the consciousness of every Man; but few there are who know of the Oneness of their Self-Soul with the Universal Self-Soul. Man requires many millennia to begin to be aware of that. Each cycle of Man brines him nearer to his awareness of his Oneness with the Light of his Self-Source.

Man lives in a most bewildering complex world of EFFECT of which he knows not the CAUSE. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, he fails to vision the simple underlying principle of Balance in all things. He, therefore, complexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him.

TRUTH IS SIMPLE. BALANCE IS SIMPLE. Rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of opposite expression in natural phenomena and in human relations, is the consummate art of God's universe of Light. It is also the law. In this one fundamental Universal Law lies the balanced continuity of all creative expression in God's electric wave universe of two conditioned lights in seeming motion which record God's One Whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that Whole Idea.


The great unanswered question of man has a simple answer. The Silent Voice within every Man ceaselessly whispering it to his awakening consciousness. Every desire written upon the hart of man is carried to the Source, and its answer WILL come. But few there are who ask comprehensively and fewer still who hear.

Many are the ages of preparation for worthiness to hear it, for Man's consciousness is insulated from his Source by the sensations of his electrically conditioned body which he wrongly thinks of as being his mind and his personal Self. What he calls his objective human mind is but the seat of electric sensations of his body. What he mistakes for thinking is but an electric awareness of things sensed and recorded within the cells of his brain for repetitive usage through what is termed "memories". Memories have no more relation to knowledge of Universal Mind which is in Man than Motown records are related to the source of their recordings.

What Man thinks of as his living body is but an electrically motivated machine which simulates life through motion extended to it from its centering Self-Soul which alone lives and wills the body to move.

What he calls his subjective mind is his consciousness, his spiritual storehouse of all-knowledge, all power, and all presence. That consciousness is his Self, his ETERNAL Self through which his omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence is expressed as he slowly becomes aware of their presence within him.

The electrically oscillating nerve-wires which operate his bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control, and to a very little extent through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of his body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelligence which occupies that body. The heartbeat, for example, is purely automatic. The white corpuscles of the blood rush to repair an injury to the body as automatically as a bell rings when a button is pushed.

In this body and its electric recording brain, man thinks that he thinks and lives,
loves and dies. He thinks himself conscious while awake and unconscious when
sleeping; unaware that in all Nature there is no such condition as unconsciousness when sensation ceases in sleep. Man does not say that his tooth is unconscious when it is put to sleep by short-circuiting the electric current in the nerve-wire which gives sensed electrical awareness to his tooth. He knows that his tooth cannot be unconscious, but he does not know that his body cannot be unconscious. Nor does he yet know that consciousness never sleeps, never changes, for consciousness in Man is his immortality. It is the Light which he is unknowingly seeking but assumes that the sensation of his brain is his thinking.

Man is still new. He is barely out of the dark of his jungle of realization. For the million or more years of his unfolding, as you recognize it, he has relied upon sensation for his actions and the evidence of his senses for his knowing. He has been aware of the Spirit in him only a very few thousands of years in YOUR counting. But, are you, as a species, the first? The only? Ah, sweet mystery of life! Perhaps you are NOT the first nor the only. If that be so, then is it not wondrous that there are those who have gone afore thee? Is it not wondrous that there are, and will others, to show you the path? Ah, and so it is. In this beginning of Main's new awareness he is confused, knowing not which is Mind in him, which is consciousness in him and which is but sensation.

He has not yet learned that bodies are but Self-created mechanisms (yes, that is exactly what I said), which manifest their centering Self, and that Self manifests God as One with it. Likewise, he has not yet learned that bodies neither live nor die, but repeat themselves continuously and forever as all idea of Mind likewise repeats itself.

The wheel, for example, is a mechanism consisting of a hub, spokes and a rim. A little part of the wheel touches the ground, feels it, then leaves it, to disappear from reach of the sensations which connect rim, spokes and ground. But then it reappears.

When that happens to man you say, "He was born, lived and died" When it happens to the apple, the flame, or the tree, you say, "The apple was eaten, the flame has gone out and the tree has decayed." You say that because only a small part of the cycle of any idea comes within the range of your senses. The larger part of the cycle is beyond your range of perception, just as the larger part of the wheel is beyond the sensed perception of the ground.

You do not yet know that the invisible part of the cycles of all idea is as continuous as the wheel is continuous. The cycle of the apple is light reaching from the sun and earth to that positive half of the apple cycle which your hold in your hand. The negative half of the cycle is light returning to sun and earth for repetition as another manifestation of the eternal idea of the apple. The same is true of the flame, the tree or any other part of the One Whole Idea of Creation.

The flame "goes out" to your sensing. But it still IS. Likewise the tree, the forest, mountain, planet and nebula of the far heavens appear, disappear and as surely reappear. Likewise, Man appears to disappear and reappear again and again in countless cycles to express eternal life of the Spirit in eternal repetitions of that part of the Man cycle which the body of Man can sense. Man never dies. He is as continuous as eternity is continuous. The Christos rightly said that Man shall not see death, for there is no death to see or to know.

Likewise, the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. THE SPIRIT ALONE LIVES. The body but manifests the Spirit. That which you think of as life in the Spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act. Actions thus made by the body under the command of its centering Soul have no motivative power or intelligence in themselves; they are but machines motivated by an omniscient and omnipotent intelligence extended to them. These things you do not yet know, for Man is in his infancy. He is but begin­ning to KNOW the Light.


Man is forever seeking the Light to guide him on that long tortuous road which leads from his body's jungle to the mountain top of his awakening soul. Man is forever finding that Light, and is being forever transformed as he finds it. And as he finds it he gradually finds the Self of him which IS the light. And as he becomes more and more transformed by that God-Light of the awakening Self within him, he leaves the jungle farther below him in the dark.

There are those who seek the Light who are discouraged because they seemingly cannot find it, wholly unaware that they have forever been finding it. Unknowing ones expect to find it all at once in some blinding flash of all-power, all-knowledge and all-presence. It does not come that way until one is nearing his mountain top. Man cannot bear much of the Light at a time while his body is still so new and too near its jungle. All who are well out of the jungle have already found enough of the Light to illume their way out of its dark depths.

He who is far out of the jungle and still seeks the Light in the High-heavens is forever finding it, and is forever being transformed as he finds it. One cannot for one moment remove his seeking eyes from his High-heaven, for ever so slight a glimpse below into the dark brings him Back to the fears of the dark, which tempt him to plunge back into them.

Look ye, therefore, forever upward into the High-heavens of inspiration, where glory awaits the fearless, all-knowing seekers of beauty in the purity of the universal Light. To him whose eyes are in the High-havens—The Light will forever come, and he will be forever transformed as he finds it.

The dark road from his jungle to his mountain top of glory becomes ever more illumined during the ascent from body to Spirit. It is a hard, but glorious road to climb. All must make the climb. The ascent of Man from the dark to the Light is the forever repetitive play of Man on the planets of suns.

When all mankind has found the Light, the play will be finished. Likewise will your planet be finished as an abode for man. Therefore it behooves you to look again at your "clues". .It is quite probable that Man will not ALL see Truth and therefore it follows that either this planet of yours will need reclamation or replacement or, Man will need relocation. What we are faced with in this puzzle is which it will be. It appears that ALL of MAN has most certainly NOT found the Light but there is strong indication that this scenario could well end in anni­hilation of the planet in some manner. However, it follows in "reason" that it probably will Not be that way--BECAUSE ALL MEN HAVE NOT FOUND LIGHT.

Other planets are in the cycle of reclamation wherein, with some adjustments, they could be re-utilized to house life. Venus, for instance, which is now totally uninhabitable, is quite near being ready if God so chooses. It is gradually being rolled into place to possibly become a stage for the next repetition of the ascent of Man in this particular solar system. As your planet is finished as an abode for many it will be rolled off into its ever expanding orbit while other forms take up the orderly transition. (Candace: This is EXACTLY why we have “star ship Venus” showing a hologram out there now. The “real Venus” is not in the same place.)

You actors of the play must, therefore, be content with the lines of the play as revealed to each of you in Light. You must also be very joyous at your continuous transformation, as each one of you learns your part, line by line, the better to fill it worthily.

Ah, and now comes the worst confrontation of all--what are your lines and what exactly is YOUR part? Well, stop asking Me what is YOUR part? I can only fill MINE--whichever role I may be playing at a given sequence. You ones keep asking Me through Dharma, etc., "...what is my role?". Do you see, it is not My business nor certainly is it Dharma's business! It is between you and the Source and He speaks to YOU though YOUR voice within. (Candace: Your Father Fragment/ Thought Adjuster.)

All parts of the play are experiences which become the action of the play. All Man's experiences are part of his unfolding. Each experience is a part of his journey from the dark to the Light. All experiences are steps in that journey to his mountain top of glory. All experiences, therefore, are good experiences.




I have expressed these words of God prior to now and I shall express them again and again until Man has understanding through knowing.

I am the One Whole, the ALL. Glorify Me, the One Whom I AM, for I am ALL, and no other IS. I, the sexless One, am Unity. What I am you are, for you are Me; you are the Whole--with Me. So, glorify your Self for in so doing you are glorifying Me. But debase Self; you debase Me in your own perception--for you cannot debase Me; only Self. Because we are One, however, you drag Me into the places of your hidden pretenses.

I, the One Whole, am KNOWING Mind. I exist to think. All thinking is Light of My KNOWING but My thinking IS NOT ME. I AM CREATOR, CREATING WITH MY THINKING.

Out of My Light of KNOWING are My two lights of thinking birthed as sexed pairs of opposites for repetition as sexed pairs of opposites--this is WHY wholeness cannot be brought forth from two "likes"--there must be the pairing of the opposites.

To think is to create. I create with Light. Nothing is which is not Light. I think IDEA. Light registereth MY IDEA in the two sexed lights of My thinking, and form is born in the image of My thinking.

Form has no existence, nor have My imaginings. These exist not, for they are not Me, they are only of Me. I alone exist; I, the All--I AM!

I create my imaged body with the in-breathing of My pulsing universe of Me. My universe is My image; but MY image is NOT Me but only OF Me. All things are My image, but they are NOT ME, even though I am in them and they in Me--they are OF me. So be it. (Candace: herein is a simple explanation of the Eternal Son, which is also manifest in the Creator Son. Our local universe of Nebadon, is Christ Michael’s/Aton’s image of himself, in a sense his only Begotten Son.)


You would nag and nag and request I give you great "secrets" and I have done so. I wrote at great length in the early writings with Dharma about the Electric/Magnetic Universe. We wrote of Tesla, Newton, Russell and others. We gave you exacting pictures and formulae but in the ending you want them for the wrong reasons of Self--out of sequence of properness. You must ask of Self--"...why would God give unto ME these great solvings of the very mysteries of Life?" When you understand that you have answered that one inquiry in properness for the cycle of Truth and not sensing Ego--ye shall undoubtedly have the response you await. You are getting the response continually--it is simply not the one you THINK you desire. BUT IT IS THE RESPONSE YOU DESIRE--FOR IF INTENT IS WRONG, YOUR VERY GOD-NESS WILL PREVENT YOUR RECEIVING THE KEY TO THE SOLUTION.

Let us speak of something to which all of you can relate in one way or another--addiction. I care not what kind of addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, food, etc. You become addicted to avoid confronting that which is to be confronted. No matter how long you remain in the addiction and refuse to confront the issue in point--you will not solve a thing but rather worsen the original lack of understanding. All addictions are escapes or punishment of self. If you refuse to accept the burden of another's addiction or addictive behavior then the other can begin to grow for there is no real point in the addiction. In other words, a child having a tantrum will cease to tantrum if there is no one present to accept the bombardment. You see, destruction of Self is not the point at the foundation of the matter--it is to injure another in order to injure Self. If it is truly Self that Self wishes to murder--Self will murder (suicide) Self. Addictions bring gross pain to another or many others in addition to Self and hence the reason to continue in the addiction. YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM SELF—YOU CAN ONLY LIE TO SELF. YOU CANNOT RUN AWAY FROM SELF--FOR YOU SIMPLY TAKE SELF ALONG.


Do I think I am big enough to pull this off? INDEED I DO! I NOT ONLY "THINK IT"--I MOST CERTAINLY KNOW IT! Who might YOU be?


I perceive we need a break and allow the chewing for one of these moments, dear ones, comes the time of the swallowing. It can be sweet or bitter--it matters not to me which you choose. Salu.

The lamp is offered full of oil, polished and lighted. Who will accept of it? We shall see.

Thank you, Dharma. Good morning.
