You will not find God in some far off Heaven or in the abstract edifices of your mind. You will find Her in your own body; the very last place you may think to look. It is quite simple really. To experience the Creation which is what you are, in this three dimensional reality, you need to allow It to flow freely through the vessel of your humanness. There is no other way.You will always remain a spark of All That Is, whether the Divine Energy is blocked or flowing; but to consciously experience it - to feel the joy, purposefulness, vibrancy, health and clarity which such conscious experience offers - this Force cannot be withheld from the physical structure that you are functioning through. It seems like a great cosmic joke; that the profound truths you are looking for, are only revealed to you when you bring the Wave of Creation down from the top of your head, to your root, and then into the earth.
It is your deeply rooted emotional patterns, and the intellectual justifications you provide for them with your belief systems, which keep your energy congealed. Then you become seemingly lost, depressed and weary; like a man trying to eat all his meals with both hands tied behind his back. Depression means you are not consciously accessing the myriad impressions which your soul is giving you every moment, which make you excited about living your life. Your ego would like you to believe that you are on some profoundly complex search. Actually, the solution is to get the Energy flowing through your body so that you can connect to these impressions once again. Whatever tool you use to help you do this is fine, but it is essential-especially with the way the Energy is accelerating now-that you do so.
Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.