It would make Me happy to have you, My beautiful children, know how beautiful you are and dear and essential to Me. I know you would like Me to be happy as happy can be. And here I tell you a way to make Me so very happy. Will you?
Will you concede that I have excellent eyesight, that I can see you very well through all the shadows you may see. My eyesight is so clear that I don’t see even vestiges of the shadows your eyes alight on. My eyesight is My delight. I see you. I see you very well. I see you as you are.
You see yourself amiss through a distorted vision, a contracted vision, a vision that can only peer out through a partial opening of your eyes. Yes, you see through lowered lids. What you see is not true. Oh, sure wrinkles can be there. Flab and whatever else you make too much of can be there. Your eyes are half-closed, and your eyes are clouded. If you do not see the beauty I see, your eyes are clouded.
You give lip service to the idea that you are not your body, and yet you focus on your body or whatever in the world you choose to focus on. If you could see, if you could really see, you would be startled by the Bright Light that you are. You are a Being that I made and that I love with all My heart, and I ask you to love yourself as I do love you. No longer dwell on what you see as imperfection. There is no point to it. You pull the wool over your eyes.
You may be a great fault-finder, and you have endless fault to find with yourself, the times you made a fool of yourself, all the times you regret and are not proud of, all the mistakes you have made and would undo. I have to tell you that even if you could go back and undo all that you would undo, you might well find other faults that you would also regret. There is almost no end to the faults you look for and find. You are ready to indict yourself. Give yourself a fair chance.
When did I say that you consist of all your errors and misgivings and are no more than they? Put all that you don’t like about yourself in a satchel and toss it out from your surveillance. Once and for all, remove all the scars you perceive and forget about them. Do not be accountable to them. Make them not your Gods.
I am God within you. Are you meaning to say that I don’t know Beauty when I see it? Are you really trying to say that My eyesight is faulty? Are you really trying to say that I don’t know what I’m talking about, and that you do know what you are talking about?
Let Us not shilly-shally. Let’s call a spade a spade.
You are My Created Being. Are you saying that I was distracted when I created human Beings, especially you, that I created you as someone who couldn’t possibly pass inspection and so you reject yourself and probably all the other human Beings I created with My own two hands with all the Love in the Universe and beyond?
When you do not think well of yourself, you are not thinking well of Me. Therefore, with your thoughts, you are saying that you know better than I do. I am saying that it will be good for you to listen to me and accept what I say and never go back.
No matter who you are and whatever you may have done either on purpose or from rashness, know now that all that has nothing to do with you now. In all circumstances, you are My Beloved. It’s time you started making yourself welcome and greet yourself as I greet you. Believe in Me, and believe in yourself. I made something Great when I created you. It is all within you. Never mind the past. The past is all your perception or misperception. See as I see, and you will have True Perception, and you will stop wasting your time on less than your True Identity.