The Great International Educational Center of Lake Titicaca

AdiGaia's picture

Fall Equinox 2014 in Northern Hemisphere


The Great International Educational Center of Lake Titicaca


The Great International Educational Center of Lake Titicaca is being created now by members of this planet’s community of star beings who are given a role to play in this creation endeavor of the International Educational Center.

The International Educational Center is a universal living creation center of education for the new ascended planetary system of universal community life.

It is available by one’s ascended creation merkaba to begin the education process of one's chakra development and creation empowerment, and the sharing of this with others who are prepared to begin the educational process.

This ascended creation process is the basis of the creation of the ascended creation civilization and its ongoing development.

Lake Titicaca is the Planetary Ascension and Creative Life Center of the Avatar Planetary Universal Ascended Community.

Andes Center Complex

Co-creating Universal Creation Civilization