The Greatest Service We Can Give Now...

Yojman's picture


... is to consciously expand our Heart Flame.

Our Heart Flame is the Cosmic Threefold Flame of

Our Great I AM Presence. It has the Power and easy 

ability to go everywhere—anywhere and to anyones...

It has within it the much needed intervention and all the 

assistance needed to quickly\instantly transmute, etc.

much returning karmic energies and bring Home so many.

Your Heart Flame expands by asking it in your own way, to...



From the very Mind of Prime Creator,

you, beloved, have come forth as a replica of Its Self.

You can have anything you want,

when you ask it from the Heart.

Our Heart is God’s Heart, the same.

Life is so beautiful.

Life is so unstoppable.

Life wants only to Bless you.

The Transformation of Humanity,

how we will be after the shifts,

is one in service,

giving back to the Universal

in many ways.

We really begin this service by asking our 

God Self to expand and magnify our Heart Flame

and keep expanding It, without limit, exponentially.

As you do this Forces so Great will assist you, that

it would be to much to know of.

Because you'll be assisting others in a Cosmic way.


I Am the Light of the World.

All of the World is within me.

All of the World is Light.

I thank you