The Healing Power Of Cat Purrs – A History Of Cats And How They Can Assist Us

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Source: | Original Post Date: October 21, 2013 –

The Department of Animal Care and Control estimates there are hundreds of millions of cats in our world today, with the US having the highest number of registered cats at around 80 million. That makes for a lot of hairballs. Cats have developed an interesting relationship with humans over the course of history, playing a key role in our survival during the dawn of agriculture and later becoming one of man’s best little friends. Some ancient cultures even worshipped the cat, seeing them as sacred animals that possessed inherent wisdom. Recent studies even reveal some unique healing abilities of cats.

Recent archeological findings reveal that cat domestication may date back even further than the ancient Egyptian era to around 9000 BC. In 2004 a Neolithic grave was excavated on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea, which contained the skeleton of a man and an African wild-cat, revealing an earlier relationship between man and the feline than previously thought...
