by Lisa Shaw
Breath gives us life. In Sanskrit, that life force prana, is considered the equivalent of “chi” energy or the “ki” in Reiki .. It is the breath of life that permeates our entire being and moves up the spine touching and vitalizing each chakra, healing by its very nature. Various systems concentrate on the breath as a healing agent, from yogic breathing to holotropic breath work (rebirthing) to the science of LaMaze childbirth or rebirthing, which uses a series of uninterrupted breaths to pitch one into an altered state of consciousness which facilitates release.
These modalities, potent as they are, require a master, therapist, or coach to guide you into the healing consciousness, but you can train yourself to tap into your own healing power by simply breathing with intention. You might want to record yourself reading the guided meditation with relaxing music playing in the background to keep your focus uninterrupted.
If you are disciplined, you can silently read along and follow the prompts line by line. Sit comfortably and be aware of all the sensations in your body...