Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff
Sleeping Beauty and the Prince
Heavenletter #4110 Published on: February 25, 2012

You are waking up to Truth. Truth has been shaking you by the shoulder for a long time, and now you are waking up. You have been Sleeping Beauty, and the Prince who awakens you is Truth. You go beyond the sleeping self and awaken to a world in which you know the Magnificence you have always been. You have been accustomed to being sleepy, and now you awake to the True Knowledge that you are. You wake up to you. You are the one who has been sleeping, and you are the one who wakes yourself up. It is your own hand that shakes you awake. The Prince isn't someone else.
The Prince and the Sleeping Beauty are one and the same. That must be so because everything is contained within yourself.
Have you not sometimes surprised yourself at the wisdom that seems to fall from your lips? Have you not sometimes been amazed at all that life is? Are you not familiar with waking up and falling back to sleep and waking up again?
You are familiar with everything, beloveds. There are no secrets held from you. You hold them from yourself. You keep Truth at arm's length. You have drawn an invisible line past which you have decided not to go. One fear or another has held you back.
And yet you have more to go, and you crave to go further, and yet you hold yourself back.
In one stroke, you can free yourself from seeming less than Greatness. Desire and you will hatch the egg of wisdom that has always been yours. No one can open your eyes for you. At My nudging, wake up and see as I see and love as I love. Open up your eyes.
All knowledge is recognition. It is not new to you. You have always known Everything. Your heart has always known, and your heart has been bereft of entering the Palace of Full Love. What is Truth but love? Made in My image, you are the Truth of Me. Image does not mean imitation. You are the Real Thing, always were. Tremendous are you.
Now you are guided to Truth. Now you can step out of that old picture of yourself that you have carried around with you. You can declare peace to yourself now. Fear and tension have kept Truth baying at your door. Not daring to admit Truth, you have shooed Truth away. You forgot that it is your own True Self knocking at the door. Answer the door. Say hello to yourself. Stand up and become the Real You. Be your Self.
I will introduce you to yourself. You have held yourself at a distance. Heretofore, you have been looking into a wavy glass and seeing a mixed reflection. Look within and see your essence, for it is Mine. This is what you have been looking for. This is what you have been seeking all your life. Truth is not outside you. Truth is inside you and always was. The Truth of you is really not such a stranger as you have led yourself to believe.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, if you must. You yourself are Great Truth. I think you have been hiding behind the Door of Heaven, a door you have made up. You must have made up the door you hide behind because doors are a fiction. In Heaven, there is openness, no boundaries, no doors. All is open. Open yourself to Openness. Walk in. I have been waiting for you.