Heavenletter #4348 The Grand Inquisition II, October 20, 2012
God said:
Children ask endless questions of their parents: ”What color is the sky? Why is it blue then? Why isn’t the sky green and the grass blue? Can I go to the circus Sunday? Why can’t I go to the circus Sunday? Can I go Saturday? Why did I fall down and hurt my knee and cry? Why does it hurt? You can fix it, can’t you? You’re my mother, aren’t you?”
And you don’t like the answer: “You are too young to understand.” You don’t like that answer at all.
And you turn to Me and ask: “God, why do I hurt? And why do You allow it?”
You have the same questions, and now you ask them of Me. “When you were a child, you spake as a child.” And you never liked the answer from your parents simply that you are too young to understand.
Beloveds, you do know that you cannot go to an encyclopedia and find answers to your deepest questions. You do grasp that questions for information are one thing, and that the questions you ask are for far more than information. You do already know and understand and accept the concept about levels of awareness. You just don’t like to hear it.
You do understand that a child doesn’t have to have answers to all his questions. What then, beloveds, if the child did? What if the child had instant understanding?
What you ask is not too much to ask, yet the questions you ask have answers that, on this plane of life, are beyond you. You don’t have to know everything. At this point in your evolution, no matter how desperate you are to understand, you want to know because you want to know. And, yet, you are not ready to hear. If I said to you, for instance, that you cannot, at this moment understand advanced calculus, you could accept that.
And, yet, deep down, you understand that the questions you ask Me have a simple answer. One simple answer. So then it can perhaps be said that the answer is too simple for you to understand. Asking your questions has a merit. There is always more and more, and you want more and more. Your asking may carry more importance than the answer.
If I simplify your question, if I reduce your question to its simplest, if I reword your question to what you are fundamentally asking, will you come along with Me? Will you hear the question I hear you asking?
I hear your asking your many questions as one basic question:
“God, do You love me?”
This is what you want to know. “Through it all, does God love me? Through thick and thin, does God still love me?”
You are looking for proof. You want to know that God loves you. It is hard for you to reconcile life, as you know it, with love. On this level, proof does not exist. Beloveds, on this level, you cannot prove that I exist in the first place. What definition of God can say it all? Where are the photos of Me, and where can I be located?
I am located in your heart. And so all the questions you ask, you are asking your own heart. Your heart is wordless. It is powerful, yet it is wordless. The answer cannot be found in words. Words do not go deep enough.
Beloved, if you accept proof of suffering as proof of My non-existence, then you deny yourself.
You cry out to Me. You ask Me questions. Let your asking be proof of My existence. Let your asking be proof that I love you. There is much evidence of My love. Look to prove rather disprove. Anyone can poke holes in anything.
I exist. I exist in you. My love exists. My love exists in you. My love is not withheld. It may be you who withholds love. It is possible that you want proof of My love before you can love with all your heart. Love more. That is always an answer.
Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/the-grand-inquisition-ii.html
Thank You
So so so beautiful.