Love Has Its Debut
Heavenletter #4376 Published on: November 17, 2012
I whisper to you in the night, and you hear Me not. Or, if you hear Me, you believe it not. I whisper sweet everythings to you. I pronounce My love for you in infinite ways, and, yet, you feel unloved, alone in an island called the Earth. An island, an is land, a land where you be, a land in outer space, a land far away from the Truth of Yourself, your Self.
Self does not mean isolation, yet, on the island you find Yourself in, you feel alone, adrift, a dot in the cosmos forgotten, unknown, a wary dot separate from other dots, and, yet, there are the stars, and they keep you company, yet you may not notice the same way as you skip over My love for you which I whisper to you all night long, and you don’t hear, or you don’t believe even though it is I Who whispers to you of My love for you, My immense love for you, love like from no other, so embracing is My love.
I know how to love, and I love, and you are learning. Accept My love, and you will know how to love and to love well. It will be like you come out of a cave where you have hidden all your life, and now you leave the cave, and now you enter the bright sunlight I have cast upon you.
You are the Light of My Life, and you know it not.
Yet now you begin to get a glimmer, a hint that passes in and out. I request that you love Me too. Not for Me do I ask this, but for you, for, as you begin to love Me, not as a benefactor, but as love, then you begin to express the lonely love hidden in your heart. You have hereto known a millimeter of the love in your heart. So long as you keep it in, all the love in your heart is a stranger. The thing about love is that it has to be expressed, not as a sentiment, but as it is, a spring within you, a fresh spring within you. It must bubble up in order to be known.
You have been thirsty for love, and, all the while, there is a spring of love within you. This spring comes from a mountain of love. This spring may trickle now, but, wait, but wait until you no longer inhibit it. The day you open that spring without restriction is the day you know love, not from outside you but from inside you. Love is a well deep within you. Let it express itself in the sunlight of day.
I am calling to you, beloveds. Open your heart of love, and let it go. It’s okay to love and to love all. It is permissible to love. It is necessary to love. You are love that must express itself in order to know happiness.
Love is not a rumor. Love does not have to be inexpressible. Love does not have to be cultured or hoi-polloi. Love does not have to be anything but the bursting love in your heart that has its debut for all the world to see.
Love is to be seen and heard and known. Your heart is to be worn on your sleeve. It is to be worn on your face and blossom in your eyes. My name is Love, and your name is Love, too. This is how We are One and the same. In Our capacity to give love, We are. My capacity to love is yours, so, let love flow. Be done with holding back.