Heavenletter #4648 - There is Gain in Everything

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God said:

Many times I am asked to save you from something. Many requests are asked of Me. Honestly, I do not sit on a throne, dispensing one request, turning down another, and so on goes My day. No, it’s not like that. Not at all. Yet there is a litany of requests, some urgent, some just preferred, that flow to Me endlessly. You can imagine all the demands made on Me.
All the requests come in one after another. It’s not like I throw them all up at once, and they all fall where they may. It is not that I juggle, yet it can be said that all are resolved at once. Meanwhile, there is more to answering requests than answering requests. Others’ requests are to be considered as well as yours, and some may bump against another’s. You can’t all stay in the same room at the Waldorf-Astoria at the same time.
Yet all this is not work for Me. It is as if with one press of a button, everyone gets sorted out and realigned.
I do not have to go to a book to look up whether you have been naughty or nice. Nor is it like a slot machine where what comes up comes up. It is more like that bright lights like stars turn on, and all is taken care of.
This doesn’t mean that everything is taken care of as you like. Nor does it mean in the slightest that I wash My hands of you. You are in My heart whether, from your point of view, I rush to your side or not. Do not read things into what occurs. You might have two columns, one named love and another named distance. I am always love, and I am never distant.
Yes, sometimes, it may seem that I drop everything and rush to your side and relieve you of your concerns. You may even consider these times as miracles. Beloveds, what I seem to do or do not do, or what you make of it, are not columns, one named Love and another named Frowned On.
Be sure to know that I have one column, where the answers may be quite different, yet the column is named Loving You. In every case, whether what you desire comes true or doesn’t come true, I am taking care of you. However circumstances may play out, I am taking care of you and with love. I know nothing else.
It is not as if there is a formula. I do not add up numbers and then make a decision based on a number. I don’t have a system of colors or of symbols. It’s not like that. It is more like diagnostics are arrived at by sheer genius, not by analysis.
What you have to know is that everything comes out right. Even if, in Earth terms, it can’t be right. In terms of the big picture, it is okay for it to have happened. No matter what a situation may mean to you, it is for you now. Even if it means going to prison or something that feels like an assault on you, it’s the right thing now. In the world of illusion, whether you like or don’t like, your response is illusion written in sand or in the palm of your hand.
In any case, if you are in a certain situation, you have to look at it as right for you now, even if in everything you presently know, it is not right. Life is to be lived where you happen to be. And, in each situation, there is something to gain in terms of Reality. And, so, then gain.
If your situation means death of your body, you gain. If the situation means death of a beloved’s body, there is gain for your beloved and gain for you as well, whether there is a name to your gain or not. Certainly, in such cases, the carpet of attachment is pulled out from under you.
Life in the world does not stay the same. Underlying everything in the world, however, am I, and you, You Who thrives in My heart. Loss exists only in the human world which is to say that it does not exist at all ever anywhere.

