Heavenletter #4775 ~ You Are Also Served

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/21/2013


God said:

Everything on Earth is temporary. Your stay on Earth is temporary. Consider Earth like a hallway you walk down. The hallway leads you somewhere. You are on your way to somewhere. Your life on Earth is a passage you take.

Off the hallway are many rooms.

Or, you can consider the passage a ship you sail on, and the ship has a destination. You are going somewhere.

Or, perhaps you take a flight.

In any case, you are going somewhere, and you accrue on your passage. Fast or slow, long or short, you accrue. You gain. You learn along the way. You are a wayfarer. We can say that the one who starts the journey is not the same one who reaches shore.

You have adventures on your journey, whether you walk down the hall, sail on a ship, or fly on a plane. You dance and sing. You do somersaults. You tiptoe, and you stride. You leap, and you hit the ground running, isn’t this true?

Of course, ultimately, these are journeys of the mind. It could be said that all journeys are of the mind. The greatest journey of all is the blessed journey of your heart. You take your heart with you. You may prefer to journey without the heart because you would rather not have your heart hurt, yet, you don’t go anywhere without your heart’s accompanying you. You can turn away from it, yet your heart stays with you and, more than you know, your heart guides you. You can be absent-minded yet not absent-hearted. Yes, the journey you take is of your heart.

Your journey may be rigorous, and yet you come out unscathed. In every journey, there is sweetness along the way. Like crumbs, sweetness has been strewn before you. Oh, yes, there is what you see as bitter and sour, pungent, astringent, and salty. You are the salt of the Earth. On your journey, you find textures and colors. You find sand and water and all kinds of living things. On your journey, you experience and learn much. You raise yourself a notch or more. You raise yourself in that you are mother and father to yourself.

Your trip is not for nothing, It is for something. It is for your evolution. It is for your growth, and growing you are.

The Reality is that you are measureless. Nevertheless, you have measured up. You came through, You came shining through.

All the while, where have you been? You have been everywhere and nowhere. You traveled, and yet you stood still. You went uphill and downhill and never moved. You do know that there is a stillness within you. You never leave it and your journey is a heartfelt journey of imagination. You go on a flight of fantasy. You make up a story. You think you live it. You write a screenplay, and you produce and direct it. It is so realistic, you believe in it. Even so, your story has a beginning, middle, and end and a moral to it. And the movie is over. It is quite a detailed story your movie tells. It is fascinating. There is no other tale like it.

You will forget the movie, and yet it is not erased. Watching the movie of your life makes its mark on you.

When you reach shore, all you know is the shore. It is a familiar shore to you. It is called Heaven. It is called Home. It is not really a stopping-off place. Probably you will ask for another assignment on Earth. You are a volunteer, you understand. You volunteer to be an angel in Heaven and an angel on Earth, and you serve, and you serve, and so you are served.


