Heavenletter #4778 ~ On Your Way to God

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By: Heavenletters.org, 12/24/2013

God said:

Your heart may be in a quandary. Your heart receives mixed messages from you. You want so much that sometimes you are all over the place. You may strongly desire two opposing outcomes. You want independence, and yet you foster dependence. You want closeness with another human being, and you relish time alone. You are an adventurer, and you are a homebody. You go left and then you go right and back again. What it comes down to is that you may well not know what it is you really want.

You may think that when you have great financial wherewithal, you will have more say over your life. You may think everything will be simple then. This is a nice idea. However, as easy as this sounds, higher finances may give you more choices and more confusion. Clarity lies within you, beloveds, not in your pocketbook.

You may wish you had a sound advisor, and that is fine, yet you are the decider of yourself. Of course, a sound advisor, may help to clarify yourself. At the same time, how often have you taken someone’s advice? Really now, how often have you in your lifetime? Once? Twice? Maybe never. No one really does understand your situation better than you. Perhaps you hop from one advisor to another. Ultimately, responsibility for your decision-making or your indecision belongs to you. You are the one who lives your life day and night without cease. And you feel its weight or its lightness.

The wheels of life listen to your words. When you are ambivalent, life receives contrasting messages. Life hears:

“I want to go this way. No, that way.”

When you would like life to deliver to you what you really want, it would be good for you to be clear. Remember the song – “First you say Yes, and then you say No.” How can nature know what you’re all about?

Meanwhile, relax in the knowledge that everything will straighten itself out.

Actually, it’s not the end of the world if you go one way and then another and back again or not.

Every decision isn’t all that essential. You may wonder: “Shall I go to this college or to another? What dress shall I buy, this one or that one? Do I want a true love, or do I want my freedom?”

Regardless of your choices, you will be somewhere. You will go to college, or you may not. You will buy one dress or another, or you will buy nothing. A true love may arrive or not. Meanwhile, you are free to desire whatever you like. One way or another, you will be somewhere. You may have taken the long way around, and yet you are somewhere. You are living life. And, at least for the time being, where you are is right, and maybe later, another place will be right.

You will have a window seat in a plane or an aisle seat or perhaps a middle seat. How significant is one or the other? In any case, glory be told, you will arrive at the same destination as you would in another seat.

You are always somewhere, and you always arrive somewhere.

Ultimately, you arrive in the right place. And when you stay, it’s the right place for you to be. And if you move somewhere else, this is also the right place for you to be. The main thing is that you are. You are alive somewhere in life.

Beloveds, the details of decisions do not always matter. Let go of being tied to the one right decision. Find out as you go on, beloveds. This is what life is.

Meanwhile, enjoy your journey. You are on your way to Me.



