By:, 1/1/2014
There are so many opinions of Me and how I run the world and how I should be running the world. Didn’t someone say that "you can’t please all of the people all of the time?"
And that’s all right. No one has to be in perfect agreement with Me all of the time either! In fact, until you open your eyes and your mind wide, you can’t possibly. Dear Ones, you may well not understand what I am about and what I am talking about. Therefore, how can you know what you are talking about? Coming from bits and pieces, you see only bits and pieces. It is inevitable that with one eye closed, you do not see everything. You can only see that which you do see.
It would be well for you to refrain from giving the impression that you do know it all and that you are the final word on any subject, most certainly on the subject of God. There are many paths to Me. What is your path today is not the only path available. And what is your path today may well not be your path tomorrow. Does it have to be? Also you can consider that there is no path to Me. There is only love in your heart, and I am that love. You already have what you may quibble about.
You may want to hold firm, and yet there is merit in being a willow rather than an oak. Nor does this mean you are to be a will-o-the-wisp. Let the sunlight in. Just keep baring yourself to the Sun, and you will gain more of the Vitamin D of Knowledge. You don’t have to have a closed mind any more than you have to jump from one place to another.
And what you must never do, beloveds, is to be so sure what someone else is to think or not think as if you own their thoughts. Now We are talking about freedom. The free will I give to you must you give to others. Whatever layer of realization someone is at, let them be, just as you would like them to let you be. There is no need for you to be adamantly opposed nor do you have to agree. You do not have to argue.
To make a point, dear ones, if someone is color-blind and cannot discern green from red, he simply cannot. He can only see as he sees. You never want to bully someone into your convictions. Why would you or anyone do this unless you yourself had to have more conviction?
Here is a truth in life: No one has to agree with you. It’s all right. You can dress the way you dress, and another can dress the way he dresses. Who are you to say what another’s style should look like?
Everyone sees as he sees. Everyone is in the right from his point of view. Yes, We are speaking of point of view. What is one man’s point of view is his. It belongs to him whatever you may think. It is not for you to take away.
If someone prefers apples to oranges, by what right would you imagine that he should prefer oranges because you do?
And yet it is not so easy to refrain from argument. And must you? Must you always withhold your thinking any more than you must uphold it?
Perhaps you can be glad for disagreement. Silent or not, you can love, and then what does it matter what you or another think?