Heavenletter #4798 Remember This, January 13, 2014

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God said:

Remember this: There is no debt. No one owes you. And you do not owe.

This is another way of saying to let go of expectation. Sometimes you have to let go of the expectation that everyone will follow through. Not every human being does.

Why are you let down because of what someone else does or does not? It really has nothing to do with you. What other people do or do not doesn’t make you less nor does it make you more.

Is it your self-image that is affected by another’s promising something and not delivering?

Be not so dependent upon other people for your self-image.

Really, you are not so fragile. Your life does not depend upon other people. Your well-being does not depend upon other people. Your sense of well-being is not to come from other people. I have told you Who you are. Rely on My word. My regard for you does not go up and down. Your well-being does not depend upon what occurs in the world, just as My love for you, My inviolable love for you is not dependent upon what occurs in the world either.

Let your love be true. This includes love for yourself.

Your sense of disappointment does not have to be kept hidden. You can say to people who choose to breaks appointments with you that you do not do well with disappointment. You don’t have to hold it against them. You also don’t have to rely on them either. Nor do you have to devalue yourself because of how another deals in the world.

So I am telling you, as always, not to take slights seriously, nor do you have to make appointments with those whom you feel slighted by. It’s a fact that friends disappoint. They are not everything you want them to be. Tra la la.

Because you stick to appointments you make is no reason to expect it or demand it of others. Those are your rules, but your rules are not another’s.

Your mistake is taking their actions  as something directed to you. This is simply how some deal in life. This is what they learned. Doing what they want at a certain time is more important to them. They may be will-o-the-wisps while you are reliable. They are not wrong for living their lives as they live them. That is their choice to make. You make yours.

No one has to live up to your expectations. Better not to have expectations. Take your expectations about the weather. You may well prefer the sunshine, and yet when it rains, you are not affronted. This is how you have to deal with life. Why would you choose to be affronted? Is that the way of life you want to follow?

Then someone might say that you are always so sensitive and, therefore, difficult for them to engage with.

Everyone is right from his or her point of view.

Look, life on Earth is a challenge. Life isn’t run on your schedule and on your terms. You have lived long enough now not to be surprised. Expect others to see the world as you do, and you will be disappointed. Try to make people who disappoint you change their ways, and you will be disappointed. Dis-appoint yourself of being a judge.

It is not for you to make a big thing of others’ ways of living nor is it for you to throw other people away because they disappoint you. Nor do you have to accept everything any more than you have to swallow foods that are difficult for you to digest.

You do not have to expect perfection from others. Your expectations are not perfect either.

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