By:, 01/16/2014
God said:
Today you are a cut above where you were yesterday. Yesterday is already past. How you leave the past behind is by progressing. No one stays the same. In the world, nothing stays the same. There is a new dawn. It is not just another dawn. It is a new dawn. And you are dawning on yourself. You are ever getting closer to Me and to the selfsame Your Self.
You follow one route or another to your Self. It is inevitable.
You may not be aware that you go at a steady pace, yet it is inevitable. You are a human being who grows. You can seem to shrink from growing. You can think you travel the same route every day, yet there is always a new road before you. It may look like a repeat, or it may look like a diversion, yet you have a path before you. No matter how seeming roundabout, it will take you to where you want to go. Inevitably, you come to Me Who has always been with you.
There are no stalemates, beloveds. It may seem to you that you retrogress, yet there is only going forward. You may stumble, and yet you fall forward. Lift yourself up, and never put yourself down. For a time, you are a Divine Being scrambling around on Earth. That is not the whole story of you, not by a long shot. There is far more to you than the eye can see. There is the I of you. You wear a royal crown that you may have no idea of. It’s time you do have an idea.
There is Greatness within you, and you can let it out. You are not confined to a little body or any kind of littleness. You can break out from your fetters any time you want to. Never mind the objections and obstructions of the world and the objections and obstructions of your own. You are a Free Being set to burst through all barriers, for barriers are waiting for you to break through them. How barriers may seem impenetrable, and, yet, how imagined barriers are. What you imagine doesn’t have to be believed in. Believe in greater, and greater will stream to you sooner or later. You are a magnet for Greatness. Be it and attract it. Share Greatness. You do have a good foothold whether you know it or not.
There is no falling from Grace. Regardless of what the world says, regardless of what you say, you have love to reveal and love to extend. It is all within you. You don’t have to dally.
What if you are right on schedule now? When you grasp the Generosity of Greatness, when you recognize that Greatness is in your hands, you will give it gladly. See how it will bounce back to you. You ride on your own shoulders. There is no limit to the heights you can reach, little by little, or all at once. Giant steps are yours to take. Take them. Want to fly? Fly then. Your feet have lifted. You are reaching to Your Self.
I have appointed you My Self. I chose you well. You whom I appoint cannot disappoint. You not only follow My Will, you are My Will. I willed you Greatness. Accept. Go forth, and accept. Accept by giving. Accept by knowing that all you give, you give to Me. I uphold you. I hold you high. Well, what else do you think I would do? Let go of outmoded thinking. Perhaps even stop thinking, and simply be. Greatness surrounds you, and you are Greatness meeting Greatness. You are the Light, and you are the Energy of the Universe. You are not less. Widen your perception. Widen your heart. Widen your path through life. And so I have said, and so now do you know.