By:, 01/18/2014
God said:
You are the authority of your own life. It is yourself to ask, “What will I make of my day today? How will I serve? What blessing will I be today and to whom?”
You have the final nod as to your life as you live it. You have the say of what you make of it.
And, yet, how often you rely on outside parties to decide for you. Now We come to the basic question: Who is responsible for you?
You are. You are responsible for your thoughts, actions, and reactions. You are also responsible for your very Being.
You are also responsible to Me. You are My link to the human world. You serve Me, so We can say you are My servant, My beloved servant, and yet you are far more to Me than servant. You are My beloved. And I am responsible for you. And, yet, you are responsible for yourself.
Because I am responsible for you does not mean that I always respond the way you would like. It may presently be beyond your understanding why I allow what I allow to be. You can only take My Word for it that all that transpires in your life, the wonderful and the unwonderful, are blessings to you. Although I am indeed responsible for you, no longer is it responsible of you to resent or blame Me for how your life plays out.
From the bigger view, what you may call utterly reprehensible, such as the physical death of a loved one, is in your best interest as well as the best interest of your loved one. No matter how terrible an event may seem to be from the world view, it is a blessing. You may not be able to see this at all. You may indeed see the opposite. Yet, upon Me, you can count on.
You do not know all the connections. Everything that occurs is for your growth. No matter how negative something may seem to you and to the world, it is an offering to you. This is the true meaning of “Thy Will be done.” Somewhere, somehow, give Me the benefit of your doubt. I hold your life in My heart and My hands.
Allow Me to be your reference point. Let Me be your guide through life. We are connected. I am not outside guidance. I am inner guidance. I dwell within your heart. I am God within. Of course, I authored you. It is worthy to consult with Me, your Higher Self. And so, when you rely on Me, you are relying on your Self.
You can knock on everyone’s door and get answers, yet I am your Port of Entry into Truth. You can know that the advice I give is advice worth following.
Ah, but what We come to here is your understanding of what I say. Whatever I say has interpretations. You have your interpretations to suit you or for no reason at all except that you interpret so. Or you may interpret accurately. After all, I am your Source. I am not outside you. And you can learn something from Me more than you most likely can learn from someone on your street.
Two squirrels can only talk squirrel talk.
You and I can talk together. Listen to Me. Find your answers within yourself through Me.
What does God say? Refer to Me. Find out, and, as you are able, follow. You do know what is of God and what is of the world. Because there are varieties of interpretations of Me, you can only listen to Me as you understand Me. Listen to your inner heart more than to another individual’s authority. No one knows better than you and I do. Do not bequeath your spiritual life to even experts. No one is wiser than you and I. We are a Team. Yes, come with Me.