By:, 01/19/2014
God said:
From where does light come from? Your eyes are sparkling. It must be that light comes from within you. Of course, it does, for am I not within you?
We can go a step further. There is no outside you. There is nothing but consciousness. Even the world that you see, the wayward world you may see, is within you who are the perceiver of it. The world echoes something within you. You see what you are made of. Right now you are a mix of all possibilities.
You are aware of Me. You are aware of Me big time. You are aware of your True Identity at the same time as you identify with less. You are also aware of matters to worry about or to fear. The outside is innocent, beloveds. It mirrors something within yourself you are to take a look at, to see, to grasp and graduate from. You are not blind to the errors of the world, nor are you blind to Me.
And, yet, you have the capability to see differently from how you see now. You are neither hopeless, nor are you helpless. You are the prime motivator of your life because I AM. Whatever I AM, ARE you also.
Your eyes can see further than they see now.
I, God, love the world. What is it that the Great Spiritual Ones have done but love the world? They surpassed their individuality, and this is what you are doing. This is the height you climb as well.
Here I say that all is inside you, and I say you are to step out of your individuality. Your perception is your reality. There is a level beyond perception where you see Reality just as you may see a shining sea. The closer you are to Me, the better you see what is Real, and the less you see what is not.
There are façades in the world, and you also have made façades of yourself, and these façades are less than the Truth of you. I am the Truth of you. All the power that lies within Me lies within you. The Omnipresence, the Omniscience, and My love as well lie within you. You have yet to delve into the Truth and Depth of you.
Keep scratching the surface and you will find Me. You will find your Self. You will look within and you will look without (as if there were a without) and you will see the splendor of you, the Infinity of you, the Eternity of you, the Truth of you. You will know Oneness, and you will know Vastness, and you will know all the seeming in-between.
You will know what is worth knowing. You will roll over in joy. You will be simpler. Life will be simpler. The world will be simpler. There is nothing complicated about Oneness or Vastness. Oneness and Vastness mean the same. Oneness is Vastness. It certainly isn’t smallness.
You are swimming to Me which means you are swimming to your Self. Along the way, you are in the current of the waves, and the waves leap up, and the waves sweep themselves away. As you swim, you are like waves of the Ocean in the process of reaching your Self.
There are no little fish in this Ocean of which I speak. You are part of the force of the tide. You are impelled to find Me and come to Me even as you have always been with Me. You seek for your Self. Seek and you will find where you already are, but, now, your eyes extend all the way to your heart. Hello!