Heavenletter #4820 ~ What Is Love Anyway?

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By: Heavenletters.org, 02/04/2014

God said:


Sometimes, if you were aware and totally honest, instead of saying, “I love you,” to someone near and dear to you,  you would say: “I cling to you.”  You would say: “I am attached, and I can’t seem to let go.” If you were totally aware and honest, you might say: “I use you. You fill up some emptiness in me. I don’t know how to let go of you. I need you. I ask more of you than I have any right to.”


This is not everyone, yet this is many in the world. And this kind of extraction is often called love.


Many equate attachment with love. Gimme gimme gimme what I ask for.


And even when you are the giver, you may be holding on to being a giver, and the one you give to gives you the opportunity.


Babies cling. They have to. This is in the natural flow of life. But now you are an adult.


Now, there is nothing wrong in loving another as you are capable. I don’t want to complicate your lives, yet, sometimes, often, your position in the world is not tenable. You hold on to what cannot be held onto. In the vagary world, you cannot always hold onto yourself. You are not always there for yourself. You toss yourself around as if you were an inanimate doll, loved one moment but not the next. Tossed, reclaimed, tossed, reclaimed.


You can be there for yourself. You can be there for another, and yet not be attached. It can happen, and it can happen to you.


Life teaches My children to be less demanding. And when your heart is full of love, you are less demanding.


Often, beloveds, what you love is an idea. It is not the person before you that you love. It is your idea of the person before you. This is what you seem to have to hold onto at all costs. You may count yourself dear, yet, really, you may be counting yourself cheap, and counting life itself cheap.


Yet in life you learn, and in life you grow.


Everyone on Earth deep down does know what love is and how wide and deep and full love is. You know and don’t know. You live and don’t live. You aspire and you don’t aspire. You give in and you give up when you are so much more. You may give up on yourself as well as on others. And, oft times, you may have given up on Me. You have perhaps drawn a circle around Me and consider Me off limits! Me, the Unlimited, you may fence off somewhere. Perhaps you have felt I am your servant. Of course, I am, yet not your servant to boss around.


Isn’t this all ridiculous when We are One? Truly, in life, you are on an escapade with yourself. It is yourself you dance with. The objective world does not exist in the sense you see it in. You run around with yourself, and that’s it. You are the terror, or you are the angel. You are the one you love or the one you fear. You are the dissembler or the trembler, and you are the hero or the victim and, yet, who can separate Us, beloveds? Who can keep Us apart when We are One?


Only in imagination, can you. Only in illusion can you. Only in desperation can you. Only in fear can you. Only in fiction can you. What is true is true, and it is true for all time. We are One. There is no other. All the seeming others are you, and you see yourself in various forms. You face yourself. You dream yourself. You are your friend, and you are your foe. You are your beloved, or you are your unbeloved. Make up with yourself, and free others who also see themselves in you and may not see you at all close-up, any more than you see yourself. 



