Help Wanted:Refocusing the blueprints of the 8ridge"

angelfish's picture
     If Jesus was alive today in body and present space and time, the Son of the Creator, Loved, Lived and harnessed the power within the Light as the very same way we have been taught to understand... do you think he would be treated the same?
    Building the bridge supported by all religions is a touchy subject for believers and blasphemers of the like.  Best delivered in 'snacks', so we always have something to chew on. Initiating a delicacy revered to be so personal and intimate to the individual, the only way to start is at the bottom, as well as finding common ground for all in order to build the proper trust needed within the leadership structure of the old churches and spiritual leaders.  Then again, if our leaders are who they claim to be, trust is an automatic and we wouldn't have "my religion is better than yours" discussions. Have you ever noticed that it is those that reside on the bottom that are most accepting, open minded and knowledgeable? At one point they may have found themselves forced to the bottom, but in my research and observation I have found the vast majority of "bottom dwellers" choose to remain there.  With ample opportunity to re-surface, yet kindly and Gratefully declining. Why?  
I must say, since I was a little kid, I have noticed a spike in tolerance for one another across the board.  On the surface it is just more people "caring" more about a stranger, an others well-being, and our home on Earth. What sneaks past many is, that lift of compassion on a whole, is so strong that eventually society will prompt and perpetuate a shift resulting in a rise in consciousness; like the one we are a part of today.  Absolutely a most miraculous place in history, to witness and be a part of.  We are all living in a time and age that will soon be a prehistoric, though fond and Grateful memory. Even though our societies soul group continues to awaken at a rapid clip, myself and other individuals are still lifting the veil-at their own pace.  Most cannot remember their very first vision, but we have all seen a newborn after opening those big, beautiful alien eyes for the first time.  Thus, it is of most importance to allow each to see with their new ears and hear with their new eyes and pick up the beat and speed of their personal rhythmic flow.  And if you are anything like me, you can't always feel immediate and tangible changes, so when our mind gets bored, it realizes the lack of physical manifestation to the new perception, and nothing has materialized within our quickly departing 3D sensory system. It is much easier for us to lose focus and write it off as your life's granola phase.  Howevercomma that is when we forget that we are equipped with the most powerful tool created by God, Gaia, Creator, Jesus, Jerry or Jehoshaphat and the rest of the family... 
L O V E!
...and the great thing about Love is that the language is understood anywhere by anyone, acting as our strong tower and guide during times when everything seems as if we are on the edge of destruction.  Rest assured that you will come out of this on the other end and laugh about it over granola bars and fluoride free water! We have made a commitment to free ourselves and discover the truth and infinite abundance that has been hidden from us that a handful of truly powerless gluttons have managed to successfully suppress and keep control of millions of people for nearly two thousand years. And as you know or soon will, we were a part of the labor force that kept it alive...until now. I put this piece together in the anticipation and preparation of news to come from all sources. I have no idea when, but it IS coming and there has been a number of events already not covered by the media. From high profile resignations and court filings to world commerce and the vatican. (already underway)It's there if you want to find it, although it makes no difference in the end other than some understanding to the new knowledge and way of thought. We have chosen true freedom and a life of real Love, no?  Those of us this time around that live in service and those who life for self, it makes no difference. We are all Loved with the same touch.  Even those of the dark are Loved with the same essence. How is that right?  Love doesn't associate with duality or polarity.  It only emanates Light. And yea, even to the darkest of dark.  The most beautiful thing about the goings on is the nearing completion of the bridge that will serve as support to those who choose to cross it after all is revealed.  Including our false sovereignty and disclosure of complete truth in the existence of Human kind and our galactic friends and family.    
To keep this the "snack" it is meant to be, I will wrap it up til next time by asking you a simple question.  What is it that makes U happy, and how bad do you want it?   

While you are gnawing on that lifelong question (which you should be able to answer by now ha-ha) I will say that I am so very Grateful to be so fortunate and blessed with the freedom and time to investigate, and peel back the layers of life, truth and in service to others. Most of all, for the Love and the Learning.  Thank U!  This is my full time job... and I would like to think that I am able to assist my fellow souls in this wonderful life and transition, even if that assistance only registers on a most minute and seemingly irrelevant scale, or is met with walls of steel. "g0t:l0Ve?"


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