Something fishy is going on in Spain.
Greetings Love Beings, We have a Very Important Weekend we have arrived at, Thank You for Participating!!!! JOIN US Live today at this Link for Some INTENSE LOVE HIGH VIBES as we LIFT THE PLANET UP:
WEEKEND GEOMAGNETIC STORM LIKELY: NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% to 70% chance of polar geomagnetic storms this weekend. A CME ejected from the sun on Aug. 21 is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on Aug. 24, with reverberations from the impact continuing through Aug. 25. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
ONE LESS COMET: Subtract one from the Solar System's total count of comets. Yesterday a small unnamed comet dove into the sun and completely evaporated. Click on the image to see the death plunge, animated:
I am the Great Divine Director, also known as Lord Ganesh by our Hindu friends. I come today with tidings of great joy! You are ascending.
“What?” you say. “That’s news? I don’t feel any different than I did yesterday.”
[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
This is I, Archangel Raphael speaking and I have another message for you Humans. During the previous days there have been visible again for us so many wonderful matters. Many humans have decided to go forward on the path of ascension since they also have recognized that it is their very own responsibility and thus concerning ascension they must not count on us solely.
GFP Note: We feel this is a cabal craft. What do you feel?
The Huffington Post - Sara Gates, 8/22/13
Something fishy is going on in Spain. - 8/24/13
When Comet ISON flies by Mars, it’ll have just crossed the “frost line,” a place outside Mars’ orbit where solar heating is enough to start vaporizing ices on ISON’s surface. - 8/24/13, Deborah Byrd - 8/21/13, Nick Wiltgen
Despite unseasonably cool weather for millions of Americans, July 2013 went down as the sixth warmest of the past 134 years globally, according to the U.S. government's latest monthly climate report.
HeavenLetters Published on: August 24, 2013 Posted by TANN
The world's oldest temple, Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey, may have been built to worship the dog star, Sirius.
GFP Note: We feel these are two of our craft. What do you feel?
Crop Circle Connector -8/21/13
Palinstraat, nr Hoeven, Holland. Reported 18th August.
Date Occurred: August 18, 2013 (early morning hours)
Location: Palinstraat - Hoeven, Holland
Crop: Maize
Published on Aug 24, 2013 - 8/23/13
Welcome to the
Earth Allies Pop-UP Video Party!
We welcome ALL LOVE BEings
to join us for Music, Chat, Laughter, and Love
Published on Aug 19, 2013 by Topic UFO
The Galactic Free Press staff met recently and developed a list of Teams - subject areas to focus on. We would like to invite you to join one or more Teams.
Published on Aug 17, 2013 by openmindstv
I woke up with a bright light looking up a new Portal, but it was unlike any Vortex I have ever seen in my life. This was SOLID. I think it means something very good, as in 'some very good news' from the Galactics on Liberation of The Planet. Why don't you take a look at the best images I could find to convey the message:
Is this the Peace Portal everyone is going to help build tomorrow with our focused, combined meditation with Cobra? I don't know! But I sure hope it is a 'look ahead' at what we can do when we put our hearts and our minds together for the Light.
It might seem like a simple concept, to make something into a game. After all, children do it all the time. The truth is, children are intrinsically easier to motivate than adults. Children are rewarded with laughter, song, rainbows, stickers, and candy. If you try offering a hug to an adult, you might find they are reluctant to even accept it! How do you make a game that adults enjoy playing? Well, who doesn't like to be clever... and so the first game begins.
Greetings dear ones. I am Archangel Michael. I am here with you today to bring my blessings of peace to your world. Dear ones, your world has been fighting for peace for eons of time. So this is quite funny way to bring peace is to fight for peace. We call it human way of solving the problem. Dear ones, there is always a peaceful way to bring peace to your planet.
Published on Jan 5, 2013
theextinctionprotocol-Aug 23, 2013
18 earthquakes
3.6 27km SSW of Morton, Washington 2013-08-23 17:38:35 UTC-04:00 15.7 km
4.7 191km E of Chitina, Alaska 2013-08-23 17:28:59 UTC-04:00 4.0 km
4.4 178km E of Chitina, Alaska 2013-08-23 17:28:58 UTC-04:00 8.5 km
2.6 16km SSW of Ferndale, California 2013-08-23 16:10:55 UTC-04:00 30.3 km August 22, 2013 By JG Vibes
If you are ever in doubt of your importance on this Earth plane; touch someone’s hand while they are speaking, hug someone who is releasing grief, smile at someone who appears to be hurting. The fact that you are a human, sharing a human moment with another is magic. ~ Creator
Brilliant Repost Of Truth
Jehovah~ Leader of the Anunnaki, He destroyed the Planet Maldek, which is now currently your Asteroid Belt, and is between Mars and Jupiter. He is also referred to as "Kal", which is the mind. The mind can only function in a power over. Love can only function in Power with! Consider that Jehovah was like a negative divine power, absence of something, absence of Love.
~ A Message from the Earth Allies~
ALL the Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart To watch Creation Occur, in a way that has never occurred before. A Love Story, Where Everyone Awakens as ONE, where The Circuit has Been Completed, and an Even Grander Creation begins. This requires the Whole Planet's Participation, and is why Everyone must Awaken!
Truth, Love and Creation are just like a Symphony and this Unfoldment on Planet Earth is So Unique and is The Grandest Event that that has occurred in all of Creation. The Event of a Humanity of GOD, that traveled to the depths of illusion and then to rise up, to Play their Part, within the Symphony of Creation. Each Atom carries a Note and each Instrument must Play. Each of Humanity as a Unique God Spark, have a Note within Creation to Play, just as each Atom that makes everything up. ALL parts Make the Whole, and Complete the Circuit. This Moment has arrived~
~Love cannot be forced, it can only be Embraced, Unconditionally. There is a Moment in a Symphony, where the Whole Orchestra Gets to Play, and That is ALL OF US, and that is NOW~
~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ Repost
~ THE TRUE STORY ABOUT Michael & Lucifer~
~Brilliant Repost~
Archangel Michael, the Prince of Light, and Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite different version of events.
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ There is Some debate about whether this is a Grand sextile or Not on this day. Astrology is open for interpretation. AS Far as our charts go August 25th is Not a Merkabah Alignment its off by one degree or so. However, this is still an important day[ Peace Portal] and the following is good information regardless. Enjoy~ Love The Earth Allies
Posted by Tania Marie's Blog
admin on August 23, 2013
HJ: The act of worrying reflects a deep caring about the given outcome of a situation, however, in its essence, worrying is simply a projection of a certain level of fear and therefore tends to 'negatively' affect the outcome. This is an important distinction because many of us feel that, especially in the case of illness or injury, if we do not worry, it means we do not care. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Worry originates from caring but also from a lack of trust and at the most fundamental level is a symptom of attachment and lack of acceptance.
CONGRATULATIONS TO INDUBIOUS on TODAY'S "*OFFICIAL* Indubious - Seventh Generation Music Video Release!"
Greetings Love Beings, Join us Today for Some 5D Fun!!!! Live with The Earth Allies
All Live At this Link:
Noon-2pm Pacific Odi and Desert Soaring with Spirit
2:-4pm Pacific Flying With Father God
4pm Pacific ?... Family Movie Night!
See Everyone There
Dear friends!
On 8/25/13 we have the 2nd cosmic Merkabah in the stars in one month... WOWZERS! So much help is being given for our personal and collective ascension process. Some persons remained focused exterior and on Archons they say is controlling the timelines and this planet. IF you choose to focus on those things, then YES, you too are giving your power to them at this most critical time, rather than using it to create YOUR TIMELINE for YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR DESIGN FOR HEAVEN ON EARTH! Please try to comprehend the "Mechanics of Ascension" as well as these Cosmic Tools given to aid in that process, as this 2nd Merkabah, the CMEs, as well as the magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth collapsing. All the tools you can imagine are being given to us, IF WE USE THEM PROPERLY!