IMPORTANT~ Its a BIG DAY FOR LOVE!!!!~ Join us Live Today~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We have a Very Important Weekend we have arrived at, Thank You for Participating!!!! JOIN US Live today at this Link for Some INTENSE LOVE HIGH VIBES as we LIFT THE PLANET UP:

Many are Feeling The excitement and for Good Reasons! Today In the 5d Room we will Be Preparing the Energy fields on The Planet for the Peace Portal on Sunday August 25th! Our 24 Flagships will Be Assisting us, By Beaming IN some Intense Energies for US TODAY through The Oneness Energies flowing through the 5D Room and The Love Party!!!! You will Not want to Miss this Experience!!! We would Like as Many Light and Love Beings with US as Possible this Weekend! Lets Light this Planet Up and Assist In Bringing Peace to Planet Earth=Heart.

As a result today of these energies, the powers who were are going to become even more desperate, and will get a clear message of just how its OVER! Love WINS! Thank You for participating and Following Your Missions to Serve Love On Planet Earth=Heart Today!

Pre~ Love Party with The Earth Allies Pop~ up Video Fun 50's Music Show Begins Live at 11:30am Pacific Until1:30pm Pacific

Full Love Party Begins at 1:30pm Pacific till?

All At this LINK:

JOIN US and This Experience of 5d Frequency Love VIBES IN INTENSITY!!!!

Alcyonn Massive

Indubious Just Released

We Will See You There, Thank You For Being IN JOY

Love The Earth Allies

