In Historic Move, Feds Won't Prosecute States That Legalize Pot

Silver's picture

The Real News Network, By: By Jaisal Noor, 09/16/2013


In what's being hailed as a historic move by opponents of the so-called on drugs, Attorney General Eric Holder recently informed the governors of Colorado and Washington that the Department of Justice would let those states' marijuana laws go into effect and allow them to independently implement the ballot initiatives that legalized pot for recreational use in those states.


Now joining us to discuss this is Neill Franklin. Neill Franklin was a police officer in Maryland for 33 years. He's now the executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. He was part of an anti-narcotics task force for the Maryland State Police. Responding to the events that led up to his friends in law enforcement getting killed while enforcing drug laws, he became an advocate for changes in U.S. drug policy.


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The Reason Behind This

d'tewa's picture

The dark ones are brilliant at what they do.  To them, everything is on track, as it depends on which scenario they are forced to focus on.  Yes, marijuana has many wonderful qualities that can assist us greatly in various health matters and enjoyment.  On the other hand, it's well known that a person who smokes pot could receive a "buzz" that can alter perception and physical reaction.  (If you're a pot smoker, you know that to be truth.)  The dark ones know this, and will take advantage of that little piece of information by letting the populations win the war on pot.

What better way to catch people unaware?  Get them distracted (or stoned), then strike.  It's a tactic that many don't recognize until it happens.  This tactic, along with many others is how they will try to maintain control over the population and prevent ascension.

     Unfortunately, since we are all new to the ascension process, researchers are not sure if the use of marijuana would hold us back.  It's my guess that the dark ones believes it does.  You can bet that if we do win the war on pot, there's a reason for it. 

With Love,


Love and Light, d'tewa