by Sana v’Ritzvah
Dark and light, yin and yang, lead and gold, diamond, stone.. this essay is not about individual enlightenment. On the contraire it is much more about individual confusion, conflict, chaos even. Further I must state I am not a practicing astrologer, simply a student and my degree is in western philosophy. So this is much more of a philosophy of astrology which I see erupting in our times. My terming of ‘holistic’ astrology can be seen as the anti-thesis of specific astrology, a theory of General Astrology, collective astrology, Jungian, Campbellian.
My hope is that General Astrology may inspire specific astrology in a deeper way.
The human species live in semi darkness. Not only do we exist in the rotation of day~night yet we are what sci-fi author Philip K. Dick described as “occluded.” This occlusion is of course necessary for any species any being which is on a learning path, a learning curve. “Real astrology shows us how the cycles of time repeat and what to expect when these cycles reappear.” Gregg Prescott, MS.
Amazingly enough, with the advent of the world library (internet) exoteric knowledge (sensical) is growing at an amended exponential. I say amended for it is up to the single nodes (central nervous systems called human beings) to randomly contribute to the one (human species). And this is singling out the human species!
Many species contribute to the universe.. and many more to multiverses which exist esoterically (non-sensical).
It is debated within astrological times and dates has Aquarius begun? or not till 2115? Was the “mind’s true liberation” and the “dawning of the age” in the 1960’s as the beautiful and nascent soul group the Fifth Dimension announced? or were these futurists too early in their pop culture prediction?
Human beings fret over details yet sweating the small stuff can be the devil’s lair. Our brains function synergistically (left~center~right) to consistently develop details into holistic paradigms and patterns.
We can see before us fully that an era, an epoch is ending, morphing and the new is unavoidable. We can see this or we are burying our eyes in sand.
Prophecies concerning 2012 as a novelty moment in time are revealing in that we reach another Processional Zodiac cycle. 2012 can be seen as a precessional minicycle. We cease not only becoming Pisceans and evolving into Aquarians but we conclude an entire twelve house round: approximately 26,000 years.
By now it should be obvious that our modern myths about the age of humans are so much bilge water left over from Noah’s flood. Nearly every culture on earth carries a flood story and it is simply scientific to look around us entirely and see the advanced wondrous ancient world was destroyed by some great cataclysm. Most researchers investigating this ‘traumatic event’ place it some 13,000 years ago, midway of the Great Year and promptly in the age of Leo. Leo representing power, force, war, grandeur, pride, prey.. and the sphinx: man as animal.
Whether aliens attacked or Agarthian lizards came up from caves or if the predecessors of the nazis caught the right equations for the bomb that time is a detail. The holism here is that we exist in the twilight of the post-history of that breakdown, that loss, a limbo wherein (and here’s the kicker) the astrology was radically altered…
Leo swings out as the shadow opposite (antithesis) of Aquarius. This time we are about to enter the time when “peace will rule the planets and love will steer the stars” and yet we experience the shadow still not as a memory backdrop but as a stinging hangover on the very morning of our species overindulgence. We are baby Aquarians much like Moses left in a crib to float down river and destined to be discovered and/or discover a strange new family. Are the inner mechanics of evolution to be found in Great Year tumults?
Now we are ‘ruled’ by transpersonal planet Uranus (revolution). To borrow a recent meme “we are change” and still all evolvement involves duality and the syncretic fractalization of rearrangement of reality herself in order to disorder and even misorder in order to reorder.
“When positively aspected in our birth readings and daily transits Neptune promotes selflessness and peace; when disharmoniously aspected Neptune reverses to become unrealistic and irrational” http://holistictruth.wordpress.com. Each sign contains its own shadow; each cycle must experience all aspects of its generational characteristics even to the points of neurotic personalizations. We stand, either shortly or longer, within the birth pangs of Aquarius. There is the ever present decision to give up, to back track, to suicide.. and yet the question, indeed the quest of Aquarius is to be and not be…
True spiritual tools are upon us. True technological advancement more compact yet more powerful daily is our bedfriend. Unless in denial we can see physical immortality just around the experimental corner.
“We must all become the thirteenth sign.” Kate of Gaia.
When each human enters this universe their ‘sign’al meshes with the immense pre-existing interface of signals called this universe. Through soul-mission amnesia (a necessary practice) each of us is a table rasa yet that imprintable synergetic body machine leaves having formed a version of the possible meanings, of all possible meanings, of universality. Upon departure that signal brings one vast structure of infinity into comparison to another infinity. And hence the soul journey. One thing this round that Aquarius promises there will never be another one like it. Then again is there ever?