How Did It Get Here?

33Nicolas's picture

This little COVID-19 virus that is bringing everything to its knees is also highlighting the fragility of out multi-billion dollar businesses and showing the cracks in leadership around the world.

There isn't a day that goes by without hearing something controversial on COVID-19. Real news mixes with fake news to a never-ending stream of maybes, new discoveries, and shocking horror stories compiled on top of a few struggling good news.

Without naming any stories, I welcome Monday afternoons as a neighbor of ours who plays in the city Symphonie plays with his children on their porch.

But with all of this confusion, one thing stands out. How have we come here? How did we get here? How did we let things get so bad an administration blocks much needed protective gear from first responders? Local leaders have been, well, less than stellar. Busines that until last year were rolling in money are now begging governments for money?

In all these leadership failures, I find two things extremely interesting. Countries run by women fared the pandemic better than by men. Taiwan was prepared since 2003. Locals are engaging more than ever questioning their previous lifestyles. And politicians fight for elections as if the world hadn't changed.

The child in me doesn't understand how we go here when it was screaming against complacency. It's difficult to see beauty and ugliness at the same time. Maybe that's what they meant when they said Earth was an amazing kaleidoscope of activities and events.