How did we get here? A major breakthrough

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blueskygal's picture
How did we get here? A major breakthrough

After watching the Adronis-Clous Ships, Inner Earth video posted today,


I found this site  I must say, the questions "What is an ET?" has always been on my mind.  Not in the sense of the overdramatized, often misrepresented forms seen on TV and Movies but rather, how on earth did we get here and how do we get back to where we came from?


I for one do not really enjoy living in 3D - I find myself often escaping from the monotony of 3D to reflect in nature - feel the elementals in the air, listen to the birds and the earth, etc.


This link I gave you above offers some profound information!  Have you ever wondered who built the pyramids?  What are their purpose?  Have you watched some of the Ancient Aliens Series on the History Channel?  Are you aware of The Seven Sacred Flames and the City of Telos under Mt. Shasta?  Or perhaps read the book "The Source Field Investigations" by David Wilcock?  Have you ever wondered about crystals and why they are so powerful?  


After reading and watching all of that and then reading this post - I was literally blown away! This is the answer!  We, hundreds of thousands of years ago, were in 5d or higher!!!  Our earth was in 5D as well. We descended!  WOW this explains so much!  It explains why the pyramids are rock now when they were crystal (I dont even think David Wilcock went this far in analysis in his very extensive book!)  It to me, it is the missing link.  Our planet has these lines and on these lines are pyramids and special votex's (like Mt. Shasta and Sedona for example).  Have you noticed that they are now finding other ancient pyramids around the world that are totally covered by mountains?  


According to the link I provided above, under all of these pyramids lies quartz crystals - everything is vibrations and frequency.  You can literally heal yourself with frequencies.  Well, I now believe that when Gaia is ready to ascend, when we are at a certain level of conciousness, all of these quartz underground cities will reactivate simulateously to pull Gaia out of 3D!  How cool is that?  And how cool is it that these guys at wrote about all of this back in 2006 when many of us were still asleep!  Thank you so much for giving us the truth about Lemuria, Atlantis, what happened to Gaia.  About what it is like to live in 5D.


Ready or not here we come!  I highly suggest the book Source Field Ivestigations or go to his website and check it out David Wilcock.  The book is all unrefuted science.  Although for me, a nonscientist, it was a difficult read in some spots - it was nonetheless - fascinating - mind blowing.  Some highlights include:  the Tibetans - how they can move huge boulders just through sound vibration, how the Mayans were tiime travelers etc


Love and Light,


Maria de la Luz
Maria de la Luz's picture
How did we get here? A major breakthrough

Dear blueskygal thank-you very much indeed for your wonderful insights into this absolutely fascinating matters. Sharing these type of revelations with othes is very welcome in these times when everything should come out in the open for all to finally understand how ancient civilizations managed to do such amazing monuments and architectural achievements.


Thanks for your reading suggestions too and for explaining why they are of interest.


Much love, peace and light from you to my heat.


Maria-luz Martin


blueskygal's picture
Wish there was a way to make more aware

THanks for your insight and post Maria!  Spread the word :-)  Gaia was in 5d before she descended I guess after Atlantis - tiem to rise again!!!!  :-)

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