How To Navigate Your Way in the Higher Dimensions

Reiki Doc's picture

Hello. How are you doing? No matter what, I am here with you while the Higher Energies make the changes in the Portals, and the Grids, and you. Just like in the practice of anesthesia, I, like my dedicated co-workers, are trained to accompany you and take care of you through the changes that the surgeon makes while the operation is taking place on your body. I don't leave. I have been taught what to do in almost any situation. Although I give Reiki in my practice, and that is a little different, vigilance  is first and foremost always on my mind whenever I am working with you.

There are a lot of disturbing messages out there, and I want to talk about them to you, and reassure you not to worry.

  • KP just put out a nihilistic post that touched me deeply. 'All we have is this moment Now' and 'everything else is history'. 
  • Lucas is 'moving on' and talking about 'Love' in the same breath.
  • Sheldan Nidle is giving  a Play-By-Play about the new Government (I put it up on Facebook, but didn't make a big to do about it--it's Happy, and not bad to me.)
All that this means is that there are a lot of individuals out there, and some of them can have messages that are influenced by a number of outside energetic vibrations, as well as the perceptions they have accrued from many lifetimes.  We are entering a phase where all channellings and other 'messages' online, as well as the standard 'news' and 'alternative news sources', has to be taken with a grain of salt. This is totally expected, and just as a mom's labor changed from stage 1 (cervical dilation) to stage 2 (baby navigating the birth canal) and I tell them that the new discomfort low and in the front is a 'sign of graduating to the next part of labor' as I work to make them comfortable: these messages that are mixed are a sign that progress is being made and we are moving ahead with the transition.


There are a lot of disturbing messages out there.

Risdonian's picture

Fact, possible or false all open the mind for adventure, we need these guys so someone can make a sy fy movie, looking at it another way, some unbelievable stuff has shown me what is & is not possible, I do not think it is possible to reach Higher Dimensions from the comfort of our PC'S taking in all that reaches us.


Over the last few years I think many have had their share of conflicting thoughts as the 2012 change of consciousness has developed over these years. I would like to believe in a lot of what I have taken in from all sorts, but there is no denying you need to be true to yourself & know yourself, every thing else is our choice, my top 5 are Tesla, Bashar, Wynn Free, Abraham Hicks & Mythy an alien from Andromeda. We are going some where, like a river, it knows it has only one way to go, down, at least we have the option to choose how long it takes us & the path we take. love.