How To Recognize An Energy Vampire & What To Do About It

Galactic Free Press's picture

Source: | Original Post Date: August 26, 2014 –


I will start off by saying that everyone that is reading this article has most likely had an experience with an energy vampire living in the type of society we do today.

All of us experiencing this at different levels, whether it be a relationship where you were so manipulated you started questioning your own sanity. Having to scribe and keep track of each moment because this person was convincing you the sky was actually purple or simply a friend or coworker not being happy for fortunate moments within your life. It is the feeling of being drained of your energy, your natural joy and life force by someone around you. You can feel them deliberately or unintentionally sapping and mutating their surroundings into negativity.

Our main mission here on this planet is to love one another. To join hands and head and build t...
