Humanity is coming of age - we are no longer children, stumbling in the dark, or following others without question. A consciousness level is emerging that will incorporate not just our families, neighborhood and cities, but races, cultures, countries, pl

AdiGaia's picture

Humanity is coming of age - we are no longer children, stumbling in the dark, or following others without question. A consciousness level is emerging that will incorporate not just our families, neighborhood and cities, but races, cultures, countries, planets, and even our solar system, galaxy and universe.

As we begin to resonate with the higher frequencies of love, compassion and non-judgment, there will be no scene of fear, separation, limitation or disease. We are in the process of healing and releasing all energies and frequencies which no longer serve us and which cannot exist in the Light Body we are building. As we release all the dark crystals (as Lord Michael calls them) we can fill those vacancies with pure crystalline Light substance. These old imbalanced energies hold the memories of pain, suffering and limitation from our ancient past.