I AM Free

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There have been reports of many people dreaming about portals opening after last night’s events and the like, but if one pays attention, specific messages are given to each person. Mine differed quite a bit from those reports, but fits in with the theme once one analyzes it. So I will do like I normally do for my usual blog entry – dream log and notes.


I was in a car with an old girlfriend I hadn’t seen since college. She was dressed to the nines if you know what I mean and looking very easy on the eyes. She was taking me somewhere that I was unaware of and not altogether sure I wanted to go. I went along for the ride and enjoyed the scenery. I suddenly became aware that the scenery was more than familiar. I told the friend that this was my hometown and that my mother lived several blocks over from right where we were in the car.


At some point she stopped the car and I got out, and then rode off. I went inside the house as I simultaneously realized that I was a block or so away from my mom’s house. So I went inside to see what I could see. This house is a duplex, which means that the adjacent owner might be there. For some reason, however I found myself on the third floor. There was a fair bit of paraphernalia strewn all over the bedroom up there from what I thought was my step dad’s daughter.


It looked like everyone had made a very hasty exit.  There were items such as tuning forks and incense  dumped on the floor like a they may have left very recently and under a fair amount of duress. I cannot exactly say why, but other than the disheveled look not befitting the place, it was in my gut. So I decided to leave the room and take a look around downstairs.


This was when it started to get a little weird. I did not know where I was but knew I was still in the house. I determined that I had somehow ended up on the other half of the house. I had never been over there but never in my waking life had I suspected any foul play. That house had been used previously as a boarding house for seminarians before it was divided up. That being said my stepdad is a bit on the whacky side. [A psychic once told him he was murdered in a past life and it released a ton of energy from  him. It was like a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders. It kind of explained some of his personality quirks and loud energetic presence.]


I said that because his past behavioral oddities gave me some hesitation in my dream as to what I might find on the other side of the house uninvited. I went downstairs and found a very odd handrail that I can only describe as ornate, golden and looked like it contained some sort of transport tube or conveyor belt mechanism of some sort I can only imagine. At the bottom of the stairs was another room inside which contained a rather attractive woman. She was very interested in my presence and was beckoning me over to her. Who was I so refuse a lovely invite?


She wanted me very much to give her a kiss or even go a lot further if I wanted to. Of course I refused her as I curiously walked past her to see another room beyond hers. At this point all I can say is hell hath no fury of a scorned woman. She either announced my presence or some alarm went off, I can’t say. I had to go into the next room. When I did all I could say was “great, another ritual room”. It was all green all over the place, looked very old, had a lot of chairs arranged in some sort of likely ritualistic or at lease odd positioning and well used for all sorts of club functions and secret meetings.  I couldn’t get much of an energetic read on the room, but felt that it was important for something beyond what I currently understood.


I couldn’t stay here as I had an extremely big desire to leave by now. So off I ran out the door. As I did so I noticed that there were many other people that were in some sort of trance-like mind controlled state suddenly woke up from inside that green room and began to chase me. So now I’m running out the front door of that old duplex and down the street as fast as I can, zombies in tow.


They were all following me by now and I realized that I had a lot more that just a room full of mind-controlled zombie types chasing me. It appeared that I was now in London or somewhere similar and running for the London Bridge. Somehow the military had gotten word that I was on the run and had employed a very disproportionate amount of firepower to try and capture me. I found myself running along the top of the bridge and suddenly….I was out. I had escaped their attempt and their control. I awoke at this point as well.




Now the fun part. I get to analyze it. Now I deliberately withheld one key piece of information in telling this amazing escape dream I had. In fact it took me pondering on it on and off all day to digest it. What did all this mean? Why didn’t I have some neato-mosquito portal dream like so many of my fellow lightworkers? Did I time travel back to when dark things were transpiring in that house and they found me out? Am I doing all this clearing and grounding and transmutation only to merely stay in 3D? I thought about this for a while. I’m not done about this part as I am presently getting an affirmative on this concept.  It was not a simple yes answer.


Humanity is at a turning point and we are dissolving blocks and have possibly passed through this portal on 5/25/13. This portal opens up possibilities for humanity to move on from its dark past here on Earth/Gaia. Many have referred to this point in time as some sort of sieve for us to pass through, only allowing things of the highest vibrational level to come with us. Maybe my higher self was telling me that I indeed made it out of the control matrix. My dream took on a similar meaning for me. Here is the missing tidbit that took me all day to realize. I am a huge Matrix fan. The movie that is, but I haven't seen it in years.


That dream went just like the first movie. I was Neo and had found a way out of the control Matrix that humanity is presently trying to get unstuck from. Perhaps I also passed through the sieve as well. Maybe I was successful in my endeavors to make it through the portal. Maybe I will be sticking around in 3D as a 5D person? Maybe my interpretation of what is to come is so crude that I should refuse to speculate at this point.


I still think we’ve made soul contracts that we cannot break. Light contracts where higher self consent has been given despite lower self desires. I do know this: I am so over 3D and all the nonsense that this density offers, I am sure higher ones will be and are becoming lighter and much more enjoyable. We are currently being teased by 5D energies! Don’t get me wrong – I love my earth family and just spend three days with them making great memories. There is no way I ever take any of that back. Way too many smoochies!


I think we all will not be just dreaming about this portal opening but passing through it as well on an individual level.  All we have to do is let it all go: fear, doubt, disbelief – free our minds! Only more waiting and pondering will tell!

