I am a peanuts and garlic FAN, is peanuts bad as doctors say?

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Sun_'s picture
I am a peanuts and garlic FAN, is peanuts bad as doctors say?


since a couple of years I just do not believe what medicine usually talks about food any more

an example is PEANUTS!!!!

I heard people just normall saying me "PEANUTS ARE BAD FOR HEALTH" "stop eating them"

but  since I started to ate peanut my health IMPROVED, I feel healthier, I feel good, and specially my skin became HEALTHIER and it changed for the good, I pooh much better since peanut eating and other stuff I do not see but my whole body IMPROVED

so what is the truth about peanuts?

what you know about it?

I do not eat usall peanut, I eat a peanut from  germany called "ultje", is more expensive but is a big big peanut and you have it WITHOUT salt or oils around it is just plain naturall peanuts regular uruguayan peanut is BAD for me ehehe

because I have tryed almonds wich say is much healthier than peanuts but I feel is not good so I ask here

also I am eating rosted garlic and it changed me for the good too hehe but there are doctor who do not believe in roasted garlic while a naturist doctor said roasted garlic was way MUCH better than natural garlic

so see? I do not believe in doctors any more, I wouldlike your opinions on these foods please

Mrs. Toot
Mrs. Toot's picture
I agree.

Doctors are just pimps for the pharmaceutical companies.

Sane's picture
Best you don't have a bad

Best you don't have a bad accident then, or get an illness that requires more than a friendly pat-and-chat session to get better

will's picture
If you do go to the hospital,

If you do go to the hospital, you have a 1 in 20 chance per day of getting a new disease: http://www.cdc.gov/HAI/burden.html

Pharmaceuticals kill more than illegal drugs now: http://www.latimes.com/news/science/prescription/la-me-prescription-deaths-20121111-html,0,2363903.htmlstory?main=true#axzz2tVYDdEaz

Hospital errors are responsible for 220,000 to 400,000 deaths in the US each year: http://journals.lww.com/journalpatientsafety/Fulltext/2013/09000/A_New,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx

I'm not sure a "sane" person would defend such a screwed up system.

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