I Have Surrendered Everything To God. Now What Do I Do? By Sabrina Reber

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QUESTION: I have surrendered everything to God. Now what do I do?

ANSWER: Many people think to surrender means to turn everything over to God/dess and to sit back and let God/dess do all the work for us. However, to surrender means to surrender our ego and the limitations and negativities it has created within our being. To surrender truly means means to heal the distortions and energetic blocks within our being so we can merge into ONENESS with our higher self so God/dess can work directly through us. To surrender means to be in the flow of our divine creator energies so we can co-create with God/dess fulfilling the divine plan here on Earth.

Surrender, like everything else, is a process. Like forgiveness and ascension of the soul, surrender takes time and is one of the many steps the soul will undergo as it begins to resonate more with the spiritual dimensions of its being. As we face God/dess, we face the self and all of the limitations and negativities within our being that must be brought to the surface so we can SEE them and transcend them. In order to SEE our imperfections, we will need to surrender to our higher self and God/dess through the spiritual practice of meditation so we can open up our spiritual eyes. Meditation is an act of surrender because we use our free will to take time to withdraw our attention away from the busyness (bus-i-ness) of our physical reality, focusing our consciousness on something greater than what our physical senses can currently comprehend. The act of meditation is an act of trust, faith, surrender and divine love because we are truly desiring to connect and commune with something bigger than ourselves, and we believe through the act of this surrender that we will strengthen our relationship with God/dess.

Read the rest here... (raiseyourvibration.com)
