I Love You This Much

JoshuaZack's picture


What if I loved you This Much




What if I loved you until tears cracked your resolve that says No

What if I loved you until you ascended on Heart’s High Note

What if I loved you and didn’t even know you

What if I didn’t need to ever know you to love your potential for Tenderness

What if I loved you because I believe in you that much

What if I loved you to show you who reflects when you smile

What if I loved you because when I see you I feel my insides burst from recognizing themselves in you and choosing to celebrate

What if I loved you because that’s all I know how to do and all drugs combined could not compare to the high the love I feel for you

What if I loved you inside and spoke to you in your own voice

What if I loved you and walked with you and whispered to you every time you were in need of acceptance

What if I loved you and didn’t stop even when you hated me back and told me to go the other way

What if I decided I would not leave you and gave you the feeling of warmth every time you desired the decoding of Pain

What if I loved you to hold your hand and tell you how special you were merely because you exist to shine as brightly as heaven on a good day

What if I loved you to make you see that as vast as the ocean is, the Heart has no end and my Love for you is Constantly burning

What if I loved you This Much

