Source: www.psypressuk.com | Original Post Date: April 27, 2014 –
In 2003, Glasgow based documentary filmmaker David Graham Scott underwent ibogaine treatment for his long-term opiate addiction. After a single session at a London clinic, the director managed to put an end to his drug dependency. The experience is documented in his autobiographical 2004 film Detox or Die. This year, Scott returns with a follow-up. Although his new film, Iboga Nights, shows that iboga is far from a magic bullet for treating addiction, it does show that the psychedelic still has a great potential of becoming an acknowledged addiction interrupter.
During the three years it took to make the film, David Graham Scott followed various opiate addicts and iboga providers. He travelled to the Netherlands to witness treatments conducted by an experienced iboga therapist –– one of which had a very dramatic outcome –– as well as stepping in as a provider for a young musician named Sid during his treatment in his home in London. Besides conceiving the idea for the documentary, Scott also acted as cameraman, director and producer.