~ Impact By Solar Wind Stream~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Another Day of Forward Movement for the Light. Currently, we are being impacted by A Solar Wind Stream which stirs Up Energy Fields Around the Planet and Everyone Else too. This also activates more of Your Dna into Action!!!! You can Join us Live today as We discuss Whats Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart beginning Live at 10:30am Pacific at this Link  http://tinychat.com/galacticpress   Here is what we will be discussing http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/whats-really-happening-planet-you-can-find-out


See You There, Love The Earth Allies

A message about the Gathering by Aisha North






A message about the Gathering


Dear friends!


Earlier today, I posted a short comment about how I felt the need to withdraw and try to take in all that has happened in the last 24 hours, but the CCs thought otherwise… They were very insistent that I should sit down and take in this message from them, and that I needed to share it as soon as possible. For some reason, they did not want me to include it as a part of The manuscript, but post it as a separate message, and so here it is:


“Dear friends, beloved family, for that is truly what you all are. And after last night’s intense reconnection, we gather that many of you can truly feel into the truth of this for the very first time. We know you have waited so long for this, but finally we can say, in the knowledge that you hearts are at last able to savour these swords: welcome home, beloved angels of light. For not only are you angels in the realms you have come from, but now, you also know that you are the same, infinite beings of light down on Earth also. For you have seen yourselves in all of your splendor, just as we see you when we gaze fondly upon you. We thank you all for opening your hearts fully to this truth, as for so many, the doors have been sealed closed in a way that made it hard to fathom they would ever open again. But last night they did, and the doors were not only opened, they were litterally flung off the hinges, for they will never be able to close again.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 6, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.0 quake in Southern Iran


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


May 6


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The Angel News Network Weekly Message


Welcome to The Angel News Network 


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Deathbed testimony About UFO's Given By Former CIA Member


Thought this might be of interest to everyone.



This man has nothing to loose. So he is probably telling the truth! Enjoy!


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Oilpulling: A Healing Therapy For Dozens of Diseases



Flickr-oils-cottonseedoilKaren Forster, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Oilpulling is an age old Ayurveda process which works on the root cause of symptoms and helps the body in its healing process, hence takes significant amount of time in giving you the desired results. The cost is the price of a daily spoonful of coconut oil–cheaper than even a vitamin tablet. Yet it is one of the most powerful forms of therapeutic techniques available.


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In Parts of Plains, Drought Fears Nag in 3rd Year


Weather.com - 5/05/13, AP

Still Dry at Year 3

Still Dry at Year 3

Kent Walker, who farms and ranches, walks through a drought-stricken pond in one of his pastures in Frederick, Okla. on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

FREDERICK, Okla. — When Kent Walker walked through his dusty fields one morning this spring, the ominous signs were right there at his feet. 

His wheat crop that should have been thick, dark green and thigh-high was thin, brown and barely covered the top of his shoes. It looked like the start of an ugly rerun.

More: Weather.com



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Round-Up: The Universe is a Holographic Projection


GFP Note: The universe is a hologram - a holographic projection generated off-planet. Physicists and others are starting to catch on! How about you? Check out these interesting articles for more info.




Is The Universe A Computer Simulation? Physicist Martin Savage Explains (VIDEO)



The Holographic Universe: Is Our 3D World Just an Illusion?


Our Universe May Be a Giant Hologram



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Heavenletter #4546 - Snow Melts, Hearts Thaw


Heaven Letters Published on: May 6, 2013

God said:

What would I like? Nice of you to ask.

What do your mother and father want for you? And what do you want for you?

You want happiness, I know that. I want your happiness.

You want love from all sides, and, most of all, from your own heart. Nothing can beat the love in your own heart. This is supreme happiness, the blossoming of your heart.

Hearts, like flowers, may take their time to blossom. Sometimes it may seem overnight, but blossoming usually comes on tiptoes. Just like spring, suddenly, everything blossoms. Yet, was not the winter preparing the way for the flowers to bloom?


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White tiger cubs make their public debut at Tokyo zoo


The Telegraph - 5/02/13, ITN/PA

Rare baby white tigers are now on show at Tobu Zoo near Tokyo, where their cuteness is winning over visitors.



Four newborn white tiger cubs made their first public appearance at a zoo in Japan on Thursday.



Crowds gathered at Tobu zoo near Tokyo to catch a glimpse of the animals. White tigers have a rare genetic anomaly and are extremely rare in the wild.



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Visionkeeper - Gift Yourself With Peace…


One World Rising Posted on May 6, 2013




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Volcanoes Today, 6 May 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Papandayan, Lokon-Empung, Reventador, Cleveland


Volcano Discovery Monday May 06, 2013 11:02 AM

MODIS hot spot data for Paluweh island, showing the hot pyroclastic deposits S, E and W of the dome (MODIS, Univ. Hawaii)

MODIS hot spot data for Paluweh island, showing the hot pyroclastic deposits S, E and W of the dome (MODIS, Univ. Hawaii)

Eruption plume from Cleveland yesterday (AVO / USGS)

Eruption plume from Cleveland yesterday (AVO / USGS)



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POOF for May 5, 2013: What a Week!



PoofMay 5, 2013 | RMN

Greetings and Salutations:

So the mess that blew up last week, required major surgery. new CEOs, whole parts of banks being hit with kirby vacuums. No matter folks banks Will, be basel 3 compliant under the new banking system. Regardless of the ‘pukem’, spread on the web, the new is arriving and the masses are not forgotten in it. You are the future of this planet, not the bad guys. So it is written, so it will be.

Thank you all for the prayers for my continuance. My job keeps going. I celebrate your ability to hold your ground and a promise, made so long ago. That day of arrival is shortly and like a lightning bolt on a clear day. Consultations upon request.

Love and Kisses,




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Marilyn Rafaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 5 May 2013


arcturian-group-333x500Greetings dear ones.  We come today to tell you of the many changes we see happening in your world.  Light energy is increasing each day which in turn is exposing much that has been kept hidden for years.  Do not despair if you do not see these changes yourselves because your news is not reporting to you that which we see.  What we see has to do with energy–souls awakening  and   planetary consciousness lifting to new and higher levels. This in turn is allowing people to see where and how they are being used and lied to by those that would keep the world in the old ways for  personal profit.  This is how change happens.

Evolution manifests in the small events of daily life–a smile to or from a stranger, comfort to someone suffering loss, or  the  recognition of another’s true identity even if they are unaware of it.  Learn to live in compassion dear ones, not in sympathy for in sympathy you align yourself with the lower energies that the other is suffering from.  This is an  important point for those of  you who work with people in some capacity.


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~ Space Weather Update~ M Class Flares and M5 SOLAR TORNADO


ETA AQUARID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on May 5th and 6th with as many as 55 meteors per hour in the southern hemisphere and half that number in the north. The best time to look is during the dark hours before local sunrise. [photo gallery]


M5 SOLAR TORNADO: Sunspot group AR1739, just now emerging over the sun's northeastern limb, erupted on May 3rd, producing an M5-class solar flare and a "solar tornado." Click on the image and watch the plasma twist:


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Montague Keen’s message ~ May 5th 2013



Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out. Your governments deliberately kept you in darkness and under control. Yes, there are beings from other planets amongst you. Many of them chose to live among you, so as to lead you forward into the Light and to release you from the burden which the Dark Ones imposed on you. The population of the Earth had to increase enormously to prevent the dark takeover. The Dark Ones have responded in return, by using many methods to cull the population: through vaccination, medication, and altering the air you breathe and the food you eat. This is why this information is so important to understand. Do not agree to anything without thoroughly researching it. All the information you need is freely available to everyone.


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How the Eclipses of 2013 Help Us to Access Our Multidimensional Nature


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    HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 May 5-12, 2013


    The Rainbow Scribe

    Beloved Ones,

    Throughout the cosmos, alignments are taking place which have been anticipated for several thousands of years. These are opening up greater access to the knowledge held within each soul, for each of you hold a vast store of knowledge through many ages that have come and gone. It is a time for spending in stillness and a state of listening within as your world is reconnected to the rest of the galaxy - an event which heralds the understanding that humanity is not alone in the endless sea of other stars, planets and worlds. This means that the Earth is entering a new position in the heavens and that it is a new beginning for all.


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    Gaia Portal Update~ Gaia Movements and Cosmic Energetic Upgrades


    5 May

    gaia_energy1Gaia movements, initiated by Gaia, have aligned portals required for Cosmic energetic upgrades. These movements are beyond physical and will not be sensed as such.

    Inner Gaia movements are purely energetic, and also occur in conjunction with the intended Cosmic energetic upgrades.

    Unfinished “karmic” emotional business will resolve as these energetic upgrades occur.


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    Carol Ann Ciocco ~ Annular Solar Eclipse May 9/10, 2013




    3Moon Ocean May 4 2013

    Hi everyone, as you know from my last newsletter (http://ow.ly/kvztG) we are in the middle of a Tri-eclipse portal which spans April 25 – May 25, 2013. The bookend eclipses are minor lunar eclipses which serve as subtle doorways in and out of the portal. But the central eclipse – coming up this Thursday and Friday May 9 and 10 – is an Annular Solar Eclipse and is very powerful both in its visual quality and its effects.

    In a Total Solar Eclipse, the moon blots out the sun completely. An Annular Solar Eclipse is similar to a Total Eclipse, but the Moon is further away from the Earth so the disk of the Moon isn’t quite big enough to fully cover the disk of the Sun. This creates the mesmerizing “Ring of Fire” effect, a sight sought by eclipse chasers the world over: a dark Moon completely surrounded by the brilliant light of the distant Sun.

    Those in Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands will be able to see the coveted Ring of Fire during this eclipse. In it’s totality, the moon will obscure 95% of the sun’s disk. A partial eclipse will be seen in a much broader path, which includes Australia, Indonesia, Oceania and much of the central Pacific Ocean.


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    Kelly La Sha ~ The Power Of Simplicity And Your Ascension


    Liquid Mirror April 27 2013

    Within the last few years, the Ascension has become a very hot topic that has stirred up and brought forth many of our fears and self-doubts. To make matters worse, there are fear-based messages out there that suggest that you don’t have what it takes to Ascend… unless you take a workshop or practice a complicated technique to prepare yourself. Ascensions are not designed to be complicated for the ascenders. Ascensions are designed to assure that all imbalances are harmonized and all souls are reconnected to Source and their sovereignty. God/We created this project of chaos for souls to experience separation from Source and the Ascension is designed to reset the balance. Anyone that tells you that it is any more complicated than that has an agenda that doesn’t include your highest good. The simplicity of the Ascension is the most beautiful and fulfilling part… it is our reconnection with Source.


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    Mary Rodwell - The New Humans - Part 1



    Published on 26 Mar 2012

    Mary Rodwell looks at the testimony from over 1600 alien abduction cases, that indicates how advanced extraterrestrial intelligences are preparing the human psyche to accept their presence on our planet. This is evidence of complex extraterrestrial programs, which will enable us to interact with and communicate with them, as well as understand our place in the cosmos.

    Presented at the 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo at the University of Leeds on August 8th, 2010.



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    Mary Rodwell - The New Humans - Part 2



    Published on 27 Mar 2012

    Mary Rodwell presented testimony from over 1600 cases, that indicates how advanced extraterrestrial intelligences are preparing the human psyche to accept their presence on our planet. Evidence of complex extraterrestrial programs, which will enable us to interact with and communicate with them, as well as understand our place in the cosmos.

    This involves downloads of data such as our true genetic origins, using our psi skills with advanced technology, manipulation of matter, astrophysics and healing. Coupled with genetic, and spiritual programs for awakening of human consciousness, to assist humanity to evolve into a fully functional multidimensional human, Homo Noetics. The New Humans.

    Mary Rodwell presented "The New Human - Starchildren & Indigos" on Sunday 8th August, 2010 at the Leeds Exopolitics Expo at the University of Leeds.



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    Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Speaking your Truth


    Angel Wisdom Sunday, May 5, 2013


    Visualize Success


    Have faith that a happy outcome follows your positive expectations and visualize yourself doing well and follow the guidance you feel within as well as the evidence you see around you. This is the perfect time for you to dive right in and trust that there are new ideas and situations coming into your life. Use affirmations that are focused upon what you wish to experience and carefully choose the thoughts and words to match your desires. 


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    Sin – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 5, 2013


    Note: Unfortunately Facebook seems to block me again, they don’t like what I post and share. I don’t know if I can share this message on my personal site or in any of my groups. If not, I ask you to please share the message on your sites and in your groups if you like the message. The Divine Mother and I, we say thank you very much.

    It is impossible for me to share in any of my groups or on my own wall, not even in the GFP group. :(




    You cannot sin, my child. Why? It is so easy, because sins don’t exist. They are a fabrication of your religions to take away your power from you. To create fear in you and to make a lot of money out of that. You are in the illusion to make experiences and to learn lessons for the further evolution of your soul. Nothing more. But that doesn’t mean that you could now jauntily steal, lie or murder. This would without any doubts have only nasty Karma as a result. You are but not on earth to amass more Karma, but to remove and release it. I have created you, that YOU wonderful soul can make wonderful experiences for me through which I can experience my Self. Whatever experiences you garner, I would never punish you for them. And how could I? It would only be totally against my intention. You would only punish yourself, when you create more negative karma for yourself. So live according to the 10 proposals I once gave to you and you will make glorious experiences without any consequences for yourself. I love you so much for that, my child. ~


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    What is the Ego? - Part 2



    Published on May 4, 2013 by Thyalwaysseek

    THYALWAYSSEEK FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/48705...


    Got Ego?





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    A HUGE UFO by the SUN! Shocking video PROOF! 06\05\2013



    Published on May 6, 2013 by FumbDuckification


    MUST SEE!! Yesterday i made a Solar flare video and i caught a UFO by the Sun....I thought it would be a plasma "blob" from the eruption...IT IS NOT!....It is a SOLID OBJECT at least 50 times larger than EARTH!...And it has been visible in COR2-A images for a MONTH! You will be amazed! LINK to yesterday's vid - http://youtu.be/Toe0nS7hhIY



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    Star trails, airplanes, Eta Aquarid meteor


    Earthsky.org- 5/6/13, Chris Comfort


    Star trails May 3, 2013


    While on the hunt for Eta Aquarid meteors, these star trails were captured by Thomas Wildoner.


    Link: Earthsky.org


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    The Solar Wind


    Accuweather.com - 5/6/13, Mark Paquette



    The solar wind? What is it? It is a charged stream of particles released form the upper atmosphere of the sun. These particles escape the sun's gravity through kinetic energy by high temperature of the corona (the outer atmosphere).

    Solar wind creates the heliosphere, the huge bubble in interstellar space. The heliopshere surrounds the entire solar system. Solar wind also creates geomagnetic storms, aurora (known as the northern and southern lights), and plasma tails of comets. Solar wind in a nutshell is plasma.

    We will not get into the most detailed aspects of solar wind, what it is, what it does, how it affects every planet in the solar. What we will try to do here is break it down and make it fairly easy to understand.


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    There Are No Set Backs, You Are Constantly Moving Forward: by Caroline K.A.


    May 6, 2013 by Starlight

    pic 1

    hrough Caroline K.A.

    Dear hearts, we understand there are times when you feel pain or confusion in your hearts.  We understand there are times when you feel there are set backs along your journey, and we say to you, this is simply not so.  Although you may see this differently, all depending on the perspective within your current reality, we ask you to understand, and believe as you progress in your ascension process there are no set backs.  You are constantly moving forward.

    With each step you take, no matter how difficult, you are always moving forward.   At times you may feel as if you are stuck, or perhaps dangling precariously over an enormous precipice where you may fall to the bottom at any given moment, but we say to you, this will not happen.  No matter how enormous or precarious the obstacle may seem, this will not happen.  You simply will not allow it.


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    Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~6 May 2013



    Monday: Pluto sesquisquare Venus, Sun conjunct South Node, Pluto trine Mercury; Tuesday: Mars conjunct Mercury, Chiron sextile Mercury, Pluto opposite Ceres, Chiron sextile Mars; Thursday: Venus enters Gemini, Mercury conjunct South Node, Solar Eclipse/New Moon 5:28pm PDT; Friday: Sun conjunct Pallas Athene; Saturday: Mercury conjunct Pallas Athene, Sun conjunct Mercury; Sunday: Mars conjunct South Node

    WE HAVE the second of our three eclipses this week — a Solar Eclipse/New Moon on Thursday at 5:28pm PDT. This is an annular eclipse, which means a small rim of the Sun will be seen around the perimeter of the Moon’s shadow. The eclipse will be visible in parts of Australia and from nearby islands.

    This is an important eclipse for our evolutionary growth. It carries strong energies for releasing the past and making a new start. This theme is emphasized by the proximity of several planets to the South Node — at the time of the eclipse, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, and Pallas Athene are all within three degrees of that karmic point.

    If you review the “highlighted aspects” list for the week, you’ll see the actual alignments scattered over several days — the Sun conjoins the South Node on Monday, Mercury steps in on Thursday, and Mars finishes up the week with its alignment on Sunday. This means we can count on the push to release old patterns and counter-productive attitudes to be strong throughout the week.


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    The Solar Prominence Fueling the Magnetics of Your New Enhanced Life!!!




    I knew when I was able to “see” again, things would once again look different in the field, but we surely got more than we bargained for yesterday!!  I suppose I completely forget that if someone huge is happening to us, the human incarnate, then it must also be happening to earth herself.  And let me tell you, earth changed her appearance and energy once again.  She is back to looking like that familiar dirt ball (said with tremendous love of course)  instead of the yellow and white marshmallow looking top soil I have been seeing.

    What I was so surprised to see was the energy around 4 out of 6 people I read for yesterday.  It was the same energy that is the elongated solar flare as it explodes.


    solar flare



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    Archangel Haniel. “Taking Baby Steps”: Guiding Your Loved Ones To The Truth. By, Bella Capozzi. May 5, 2013.


    Angels and Cupcakes Posted on May 5, 2013 by bella7xoxo


    ❤ Here’s a message that I got this morning, as I was waking up.  It’s from Archangel Haniel, and she addresses our frustrations over trying to help our family and friends to embrace new ideas.



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    Big Story Weather – May 6, 2013


    Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.

    redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly


    Big Story Weather from May 4-5: This past weekend was very active over most of the Southeast with enormous amounts of rainfall and flooding from Alabama, Georgia and into the Carolinas. The other big story was out West were the wild fires have been burning through parts of California. An area of showers today in that region will provide some much needed relief.


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    EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2013


    EarthSky.org - 5/6/13, Bruce McClure-Deborah Byrd


    2013 Quadrantid meteor by Susan Jensen



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    The Oracle Report Monday May 6, 2013


    The Oracle Report

    Third Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Pisces

    Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta 

    Special Monday Note From Laura


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    Intensities of Gaia Transform Energies is Maximizing…


    Gaia Portal May 6

    gaia_energy1The intensity of all energies, solar, galactic, cosmic, on all Higher D levels is increasing, and will soon maximize. The purpose of this “maximization” is to first, burn off all lower dross that has infected Gaia for millenia, and second, to peak the energetics of each individual Hue-man upon Gaia at this time.

    This is to be followed by a lessening (rather, a stabilization) of the intensities to allow for integration. No further intense energy increases are anticipated for the following week.next several days.

    Many have felt strong emotional responses to these current energetic patterns, and are intuitively sensing that it is for the benefit of all, and that it is a phase through which all humanity, and Hue-manity, must pass.



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    4MIN News May 6, 2013: Spaceweather Impacts Earth




    Source: YouTube.com

    By: Suspicious0bservers



    Published on May 6, 2013


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    The Pleiadians ~ We come to assist and to help you ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont


    pleiadedolphininfos Monday, May 6, 2013


    Picture New Zealand  Copyright ©  by Méline Lafont.


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    A message about the Gathering


    aisha north May 6, 2013

    Dear friends!

    Earlier today, I posted a short comment about how I felt the need to withdraw and try to take in all that has happened in the last 24 hours, but the CCs thought otherwise… They were very insistent that I should sit down and take in this message from them, and that I needed to share it as soon as possible. For some reason, they did not want me to include it as a part of The manuscript, but post it as a separate message, and so here it is:


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    Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust


    Angel Wisdom May 6, 2013


    Trust in the Divine Timing



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    Unseasonable warmth coming to Adelaide


    Weatherzone, By: Sam Brown, 05/06/2013


    Unseasonable warmth will push into Adelaide this week before a gusty cool change on the weekend. This Friday Adelaide is likely to have its warmest May day in eight years. In May 2005 it reached 29.2 degrees, the second hottest May day in the last 90 years. The May record of 32.3 degree was set in 1921.


    The mercury is likely to increase from Tuesday as a warm air mass moves over the region from the interior. On Tuesday and Wednesday it will warm to the mid 20's, well above the average May maximum temperature of 19 degrees. By Thursday, it should reach 27 degrees and become even warmer on Friday as a cold front and trough approach from the west.


    For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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    ~ Whats Really Happening ON this Planet? You can FIND OUT!



    Greetings Love Beings, Facsinating Energies Abound! We are Currently Being Impacted by A Solar Wind stream. Some may be feeling this as dizziness or disorientation.


    Topics of Discussion: CHANGES!

    Today's Energy

    The Impact of the Citizens Hearing's for the disclosure~ Will we See Movement towards full Disclsoure from This? MSN Reports


    The Eclipse and New Moon Impact May 9~10 Intense Ring of Fire

    Seeing Deep and Intense Changes Among the People

    The New Information about How many People believe in Our Craft and they are Real

    The Impact of All this energy Coming IN and from Everywhere

    Activation of the 13th Strand DNA is this Happening Planet wide?

    First Wavers Stepping Into Missions NOW


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    Fireball UFOs Over Ireland: Clever Hoax Or Unexplained Objects? (VIDEO)



    GFP Note: We're not sure what these objects are but we like it when the mainstream media reports on UFOs. What do you think?


    Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 4/21/13



    If you happened to videotape several minutes of slow-moving, brightly lit groups of circular objects in the sky, would you post your video online right away or wait a few months to do it?

    A YouTube user, named Naktis Ireland, chose the latter option, after recording odd lights over Cork, Ireland, back in December. Ireland uploaded the video on March 16, and it's only now starting to get some attention, according to Open Minds.

    More: Huffington Post


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    Illusion, Addiction, and Alchemy


     by Steve Beckow



    I had a very interesting discussion with Sue Lie a few days ago in which three notions came up and I almost … for a male … got out of my logical brain for a moment and had a glimpse of a new realm.

    They almost had me see that this world we live in as an illusion, a game, a trick of the mind. And by the way almost everything they said about it I could have said about a vasana, which they said had many of the same characteristics.

    We’ve become addicted to the illusion.

    But I have to add one more dimension that also almost became clear to me. I understood that everything is an illusion – not just this dimension but all dimensions – and that we’re just living in one illusion among many.

    Perhaps imagine yourself turning the radio dial, hitting one radio station after another. Imagine the sound of them coming in, being there for a moment as you continue to turn the dial, and then trailing off.


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    Stuart Wilde ~ Gratitude




    Zen-Haven May 5 2013


    It is important to not take life for granted and be gracious and show a proper gratitude for every small mercy or for anything thing others do for you.

    Remember this one important fact, this earth has no contract or obligation to feed you or look after you, the way you negotiate terms of endearment are through your goodness, or you have to become a predator, which will destroy your soul.

    A man came some years ago, he was crying, he was in a partnership with two crooked people who were milking the books, they wanted to toss him out so there would be no oversight to their fraud. They had threatened him. I talk to the lad for four hours and I laid out a plan of how to come up behind them emotionally and use their crookedness against them. Three weeks later he owned the entire business and he went on to make $10 million. Did he come with a kind word, or $5000 in an envelope and say, “Have a drink Stuie, or a bag of apples?” No, not one word.

    Entitlement is a disease of importance. Be so careful you don’t fall into that ego-trap.


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    A 5th Dimensional Healing Visit and Opening up Communications with my Pleiadian Family by Goldenlight 5-5-13



    Lindy Longhust, serpentmandalas.com. 'Vishuddhi'- the 5th Chakra or Throat Chakra. Located at the throat region the chakra represents all forms of communication and speech. It governs our sense of diplomacy and good will between others.

    image by Lindy Longhust, serpentmandalas.com. ‘Vishuddhi’- the 5th Chakra or Throat Chakra. Located at the throat region the chakra represents all forms of communication and speech. It governs our sense of diplomacy and good will between others.


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    Retired Space Observatory’s Watery Legacy


    Nationalgeographic, By: Andrew Fazekas, 05/03/2013


     ESA - C. Carreau


    After nearly four years of glorious service to science, the European Space Agency’s Herschel Space Observatory mission has come to the end this week. Running out of helium coolant needed to chill its instruments down to near absolute zero means that it has closed its far-infrared eyes to the Universe for good.  After a few final tests, controllers will park the retired probe in a permanent solar orbit.


    Its mission was a far-reaching one – to study for the first time some of the coldest regions of space and examine the molecular chemistry of objects across the Universe- from distant galaxies and newborn stars to the atmosphere’s of gas giant planets and comets.


    For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com


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    Energy Forcast~Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations


    Energy Forecast - May 2013

    Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations

    Blessings my beautiful friend,

    It's such an honor to connect with you again. Have you noticed the shift that took place in these past few weeks within and all around us? Ever since the days leading up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse back on April 25th, something has changed. Many people are feeling guided more than ever to reinvent themselves in a way that is aligned with a higher vision they have of themselves.

    A big part of the reinvention happening includes letting go of everything in our lives that no longer contributes to our highest vision. This also includes letting go of the relationships that we allowed to stifle us in any way. Many of us have a tendency to give everyone we meet the benefit of the doubt, however when we begin to allow this to cloud us from the clarity of our intuition, it's most definitely time to release and let go. Going against our intuition is the biggest reason why so many are not experiencing the well-being they know is possible.

    Letting go of relationships that no longer serve our greatest good does not mean that we love these beings any less, it just means we are no longer contributing to the stories they have created motivated by fear, lack and separation.

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    Andy Bojarski: What is the Violet Flame and How to Use It?


    pleiadedolphininfos Monday, May 6, 2013

    Violet Flame


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    Arch Angel Raphael




    He is also known as the Twin Flame of Mother Mary.  The work together for the healing of Humanity so that they may once again know themselves.  I'd also consider him a Divine Comedian though alot of Ego's take things personally.  That's the lessons that inspire our healing so that we may all accept each other as equals in true unconditional love.


    Who Is Arch Angel Raphael?



    Raphael is a Celestial Angelic Being within the Angelic Order known as the Archangels.  Archangels are responsible for ministering to humans, considered somewhat like “manager angels,” Archangels oversee the responsibilities of Guardian Angels and the other Celestial Light Beings that act as our guardians and guides.


    Each Archangel has specific qualities that distinguish their characteristics and their specific angelic responsibilities.  Archangel Raphael’s realm of angelic expertise resides within Health & Healing.


    Raphael’s healing domain is all encompassing, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic health. This Archangel is dedicated to our realizing and maintaining our True and Natural State of Wellness, helping us to Remember that our True Essence is Healthy, Whole and Complete.



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