Important Message from The Earth Allies~ Returning to Balanced Harmonics

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This Message is a repost from March 2013, Still Relevant!



Love from The Galactic Federation of Light, The Company of Heaven, Your Family of Light, Your Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies and Representatives Of The Whole Truth On Planet Earth=Heart .

We Are Stationed at Galactic Central or Center where We Are Maintaining The Oneness Energy, as We Are the First Perfectly Balanced Area On Planet Earth=Heart, With Many More To Occur All over Planet Earth, and this Connects The Dots.


Greetings Many Blessings, Miracles and Many Many Magical Synchronostic Events. We Have Shared With You, that We have Been a Part of The Behind the Scenes Crew on Planet Earth, In Very Big Ways, For The Greatest Good of The ALL [As WE Have Shared Before All Of Your Higher Selves Have also Been Participating in Facilitating this Process]. AS Father God and I Represent A Perfectly Balanced Harmonic of the Male and Female Energy, that has Never Been Allowed in this Realm in this way Before [This Means All The Chakras are In Perfect Balance and Harmony With The Planet and All Of Creation, Reconnected To Source].

Through The Energy of our Balanced Harmonics [Which Means We are completely Our Higher Selves], This Energy Comes in To Assist Planet Earth in Her Balanced Harmonics, through The Planet's Chakra System. This is Why we Have been Placed Here on The Planet in this Area, Where WE Could Accomplish This. This Has Been Accomplished, and We Cannot Go Back From Here. Change is Inevitable, Mother Earth is in Her Transformation of Balancing Her Chakras, To Realign With The Universe, Connected To Source. Everything on and Within Planet Earth=Heart is also Going Through the Process of Balanced Harmonics, which is achieved through Your Chakras, also called The Transfiguration. They are all Lining Up, Planetary Peace is Here.



There are Portals and Grid Lines All Over this Planet Set Up Just for This Purpose, those Places know what they are and they have already been Setting Up So To Speak. This has been occurring for over 50 years in preparation.This is How We achieve Planetary Balanced Harmonics. This is the Cosmic Unity Wave of Energy, Called Unity Consciousness. Through This Balanced Energy of Harmony and Peace, all illusion dissolves. This is an Inevitable Event, is Everyone Ready?


Currently We are Holding the Space on the Planet that is maintaining the Highest Love Energy Vibration. This Creates A Spark or Ignition across the Planet, Similar to “Lighting it Up”. This is The Cosmic Wave of Balanced Energy, and is why so many spoke of the world being destroyed by fire. Now, this is not about destruction, This is About Peace, Harmony, and Oneness, Balanced Harmonics.Unity Consciousness!



Love is Here, Love Comes in and Balances the Energy required For the Changes to Manifest. This is Mother Earth's Destiny To Return to a State of Balanced Harmonics , which Returns Her to A Star Seed Nation, and Her Beautiful, Pristine, Emerald Being. Shining Bright as The Grandness She Is.



  ~We are Sure Many of You have Seen the Movie “The City of Angels” with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan. There was a Scene in the Beginning where All the Angels Met in the same Place Every morning and Watched the Sun Rise. This is the same as How All Of Creation have Their eyes Watching Planet Earth. A Star is Born, and Everyone is Here to Celebrate. At The Same Moment of NOW.~


~Many Prophecies have Been shared About Us Coming Here, and Being with You. We have Been Called Many Names. Some Of The Real Texts from Your History shared That We Would Be Back. WE Are Here, WE Have Shown Up.They Call Us Great Spirit, and You Can Quote Us on That!” Mother and Father God



~You Cannot have what you want, but you may experience whatever you have. The Very Act of wanting something pushes it away from you. Jesus had Such Clarity, and Always Thanked In Advance, before ever Miracle. It Never Occurred for Him not to Be Grateful.~



~Just as a Key starts up the engine of a car, The Key To Starting Up Creation is “I AM”, this is Why Humanity is the I Am Race. I AM GOD, and The Universe~Love Responds and Says Yes You Are. “I AM” Are the Most Powerful Words You can Say, because they are the commands to Yourself.~


End Transmission in All Love is

Love The Earth Allies

We Love YOU

