lauriergg's picture

Icy visitors from outer realms

race in predawn splendor towards the sun.

ENCKE particles alight in excited rhythms.

Flares trigger LiNEARmemories that hurt.

We have to release them sometime

and its time to change the story.


Four notoriously fickle messengers

gain our attention or lack of.

We the collective need this

exact amount of drama.

Our intention is to be on this version

to activate giving or receiving wisdom.


Incoming energies are balanced by grounding.

Breathe and focus

on new ways of creating heart potentials

for self and others.

The wake up call IS-ON.


Sun messengers tantalize us with tails of

health, LOVE-JOY and tranquility.

We look to the stars but

the final decision is ours to make.

Meanwhile celestial dancers

twirl (or knock) us around and around.

So spiritually we better ground and ground.