Inspiring Thoughts on Creating New Beginnings - Marquita Herald

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Whatever change you long for, whatever dream or goal you aspire to achieve … start by choosing to embrace the power of new beginnings.

New BeginningsNew beginning, fresh start, do-over … terms that we tend to equate with major life changes. The beginning (or end) of a marriage, a move across country, new home, birth of a child or starting a new job.

What I’d like you to consider today that you have the power to create a new beginning any day by simply exercising the power you have to choose.

You can choose to forgive someone (or yourself), change your attitude, let go of the past, create a new habit or banish an unwanted one. You can choose to stop using “but it’s hard to change” as an excuse to keep from reaching beyond what’s comfortable to achieve your dreams, and you can choose to embrace all the opportunities within a future that is different from the one you originally planned.

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