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by John Reid, via Collectively Conscious
In conversations, Facebook posts and comment sections I often talk about what is the one true path to freedom, justice and democracy, namely, True Direct Democracy, the system in which all voters participate in all major decisions via electronic voting.
This often leads to my being asked what direct democracy is and I usually oblige by writing a few paragraphs explaining it and the changes we will all benefit from having it.
There isn’t a great deal of information out there about direct democracy so I decided to put together this e-booklet as a free resource to help people understand and to pass on to others so we can spread the word that there is a system which would enable we the people to enjoy true freedom and democracy, a life changing system which will free us from the criminal power elites who have taken from us for so long.
The Present Systems of Governance Has Failed Us!
We are living in very interesting times and things are going to get far more ‘interesting’ as we move through the coming years.
If you are reading this then we shall assume you have had enough of what is going on around us and our beautiful planet and likely feel powerless as how to change things for the better.
The list of what is wrong in our world is a testament to the fact our present systems have failed us. From wars of greed and power to poverty and austerity, from the destruction of our planet to the treasonous gifting away of our manufacturing base to increase corporate profits, the future which lay ahead for our children is bleak at best.
I can unequivocally state that it is all unnecessary, that our so-called leadership in all nations has failed us miserably and that we CAN change it, we CAN heal the planet, we CAN put the brakes on and not only halt the direction we are forcibly taken, but reverse it to the point we the people have the final say on everything which affects our lives and the land, water and air on which we depend.
In recent years I wanted to find out for myself what is really going on because so many things felt wrong to me. I also hoped to find solid solutions. I wanted to see if I could pinpoint the causes of why our lives seem to get harder each year when they should in most cases, be getting easier.
I did find the root causes and figured out solutions which I shared in an e-book, a novel and articles, all of which are available through my website www.theorganiceconomy.ca.
There are many other disgruntled people writing about or making videos about the same thing and doing their best to find solutions and the one common theme is, ‘what is the ‘key’ to waking people up to what is going on and how can we change it?’
Protests and activism, although making people aware, only seem to get us so far and most people are too busily immersed in trying to earn a wage and raise a family to get involved and in many instances, even understand the issues.
Couple this with a mainstream media which is a major player in maintaining the status quo and the truth of what is really going on around us, how our countries are being run, why there are constant wars, why life seems to get harder, why our nations become more indebted each year, is kept firmly under wraps by a willing establishment happy with our complacency and overjoyed that nothing changes for them.
Revolution or Evolution?
This situation results in many believing the only thing that will motivate people to stand up and say “enough!” is when things become so bad that literally a revolution will take place.
My thoughts on that are, what happens after a revolution? Who will be the new leader, what kind of system will it be? What will we do to stop the same scenario happening all over again in the near future? How do we safeguard the people and nation from the power elites who have caused so much grief in our lives and around the globe?
In fact, a revolution would most likely, and highly ironically, further empower and solidify the establishment of power elites.
The reason being that following the chaos a new leader may emerge who promises unity, peace, justice and democracy, but what actually happens is an increased police and surveillance state in the name of ‘security’.
A revolution in and of itself is no guarantee of a better life or the elimination of those who economically and financially enslave us. What is needed is a new way of thinking, a new system of governance and finance which is truly equitable, democratic and just.
A system in which we all participate and decide how our lives and nations will shape up to be.
A system which forever inhibits any small group of wealthy people from controlling our lives and leeching our prosperity.
Even the US constitution and bill of rights, both carefully crafted documents designed to protect the people and nation from those with nefarious ambitions, have failed to do so. The many executive orders including the Patriot Act (oh the irony) and the NDAA have left both documents in literal shreds.
The Senators and members of Congress no longer represent those who elected and fund them and instead sell out to the highest bidder, to faceless corporations that care not for the nation or people but profit at any cost.
The Founding Fathers must be turning in their graves at what is happening today but they did their best with the knowledge they had at that time. It should be clear now that a major revamping of the system of governance is desperately needed before the US is a complete shambles.
This is not just a US problem. Because of the power of globalists who infiltrate every fibre of power it is a global problem and it is a global problem because the systems of governance in every nation has failed to move with the times and protect the people.
Such is the power of the globalists, the central bankers, industrialists and transnational corporations, that Presidents and Prime Ministers simply cannot stand up to them.
The TPP and TTIP among other ‘deals’ should make that perfectly clear and any so-called national leader who binds their people to them is simply a traitor, no other words for them as these ‘deals with the devil’ are acts of treason which destroy our sovereignty and steal our prosperity.
A New Way of Thinking
Therefore, it should be clear to see that it is time for a new way, a new way of thinking, an evolution in thought and belief, for it should now be apparent that we cannot trust our lives, our welfare, our nations to those we have enabled with so much power.
I have talked about this many times with people but many cannot let go of the present systems. They appear to have blind faith that it will all be fine, that a little tinkering, a few minor adjustments here and there and the system will once again work for the people, but it won’t, it’s done and dusted, it’s over folks!
There is nothing to prevent the corruption and undermining of democracy to happen again and again, and it will if we don’t make the necessary moves to stop it once and for all. The systems we have grown up with and believed in are finished, they are corrupted beyond repair and the ways of life we all associate with in the present paradigm are history. Things will never be the same unless we step up and change our ways of thinking and that’s the good news, it all begins merely with how we think!
I will say this though, that even faced with opposition to a new system, once I have explained the situation and where we are heading, people are surprisingly accepting of what I am proposing as an alternative.
Again this is a global issue. The people of all nations must address the fact their countries have been hijacked by corporations, bankers and power elites. This is no longer a far out conspiracy theory but plain fact and things will spiral rapidly downward as our representatives sell us out and give away the ‘family treasure’.
Is it possible to begin implementing changes now, is there something we can do, something we can believe in, something that can change the direction we are heading, something which actually works for we the people, you know, the people who actually create the true wealth of a nation. The people who earn real money and pay the tab for it all?
Is there something we can all agree on that doesn’t involve protesting and marching, something that doesn’t get people hurt. Something which we can all agree is fair, equitable and this time truly democratic? The answer is a resounding yes!
The Illusion of Democracy
The democracy we believe we have is more illusion than reality. Most nations have two or three parties from which to choose in an election and those parties split people into different camps based on certain ideologies which create a divide among the people.
I may like to keep more of what I pay in taxes but also want the less fortunate cared for. One makes me right wing or Capitalist and the other left wing or Socialist and I really don’t like having to throw my lot in with one party which does not really speak for me.
Is this divide actually necessary? Did we as a race evolve to be in one of two camps, how about three camps or four?
Actually if we allowed ourselves to live to our fullest potentials there would be a ‘camp’ for every single person, we are all unique are we not?
Did we evolve to be left wing or right wing or this ‘ism’ or that ‘ism’? No, we are all just people trying to live the best life possible, enjoy the maximum fruits of our labours, solving ‘issues’ as they arise, for that is all they are, issues to be solved by us and not something that needs politicising and being forced into one of two camps of thought, or ideologies.
And why should we be shoe horned into only being able to vote for one of two or three ideological camps or parties?
I may end up voting for the party I dislike the least among the selection, but I know they really don’t represent my ideologies or how I think things should happen in the big picture. A single political party is far too vague to represent me.
But we can’t have a political party for every single person can we! No and no need to either, with the right system in place we can ALL be heard, we can ALL participate, we can ALL have our say on how we want our lives to be. We can ALL be, if you may, our own party, so to speak. We can all express our unique ideologies.
Many people will say that we have the best system already, that it cannot be any fairer than what we have now, that we have true freedom because we have the right to vote.
Ok, let’s take a quick look at that, the right to vote. What does it actually mean for us, how much freedom does that give us, how much democracy on a scale of 1 to 10 do we really enjoy?
Let’s say there is a federal election in Canada (where I live). Usually it’s between two or three parties and as an open minded person who looks at the policies of all three parties, I may like some of the policies of each party but don’t particularly like everything about any one party.
I then hold my nose and vote for the party I dislike the least. That party wins the election and guess what? They don’t implement the things I voted for and do implement things I would never have voted for. Sound familiar? Politicians breaking promises they kept just to get elected!
So, back to our wonderful freedom and democracy. Now what would you give on the scale of one to ten for our supposed democracy, one, two out of ten? It isn’t much more than that. Can we improve on that figure?
The Incomplete Evolution of Democracy
“But it’s just the way it is, we’ve had this system for ever and you ain’t going to change it now!” Well not exactly, the system we have now is a result of political evolution. The scant democracy we have now was hard fought for. In Canada only men could vote until women won the battle for the right to vote beginning in some Provinces in 1916, In Quebec it was as late as 1940. Canada’s First Nations people couldn’t vote until 1960! The same goes for the US and UK, a gradual evolution of the rights to vote.
As we can see, it was an evolution to get to where we are today but that evolution has not as yet reached its perfected conclusion. With the instant information we now have available at our fingertips we can research and learn the truth of what is going on in our world.
We can cut through the hype of the mainstream media, the majority of which is owned by a handful of corporations, corporations which now also help control our establishment.
We can learn very quickly how corrupt our systems are and it is this corruption and the flawed financial and governance systems which are robbing us blind and stealing our prosperity.
Is this the best we can do, is this what we deserve for working all our lives and paying taxes, providing the real wealth of our nations? Or is there a little more room to complete that evolution? Is it possible to perfect our systems of democracy and if so, what would that look like and how could it work?
Leaders or Losers?
We have since time immemorial been raised to believe that giving our power away to others is the natural order of things.
The divine right of Kings has remained in our collective consciousness for millennia and we don’t give a second thought to the learned idea we must have leaders. In this area we run on auto pilot and refuse to question it, but why?
In times of old this made complete sense and survival depended upon it, but times have changed and our systems of governance along with it. The pace of modern technology has been breathless but we ourselves have fallen behind, we have continued to give our power away to a few and we now find that in modern times this is proving detrimental to our best interests and very fruitful for those with money and power, the balance of which today is completely out of whack!
People are becoming increasingly frustrated with how our leaders are performing and many of the decisions made at Provincial and Federal levels would never see the light of day if the people had a real voice. But they carry on working hard to raise their families and paying their taxes with no alternative to believing that giving their power away to a minute percentage of the population is the right way, the only way to exist.
True Direct Democracy
The good news is that today’s technology has made it not only possible, but relatively simple to greatly improve our system of governance and enable every eligible voter to participate and have a say on every issue which affects our lives.
I am talking about true direct democracy, the system in which all major issues, issues which impact our lives and nations are voted on by every voter.
With the technology we have today, the voting would be carried out electronically via your smart phone or computer. This could be referred to as digital direct democracy or eDemocracy, either way it is the fairest system available.
As with anything new that may change our lives, even for the better, we tend to immediately put up barriers, to point out why we think it can’t work, it is imagined as an assault on the present paradigm, the paradigm we have lived with all our lives, it is all we have ever known and must be protected, no matter how irrelevant it now is.
But how much evidence do we need to prove to ourselves we simply cannot continue with the present systems and that we must change it for our very survival? For the truth is, we are losing everything, our quality of life and standards of living
are in a downward spiral, we are going backwards, and the biggest issues are all rooted in the fact our representatives have and continue to sell us out. These political systems in which we give our power away have been compromised, thoroughly and completely.
How Does Direct Democracy Work?
Let’s say we introduce direct democracy today and nothing else changes with your political system. At present, the politicians would debate the usual issues and vote, but now things have changed. Direct democracy means their vote is no more powerful than any other voter’s vote and the issues are put into an app or website and we all vote on them.
The ‘representatives’ may give their opinions and if they are for or against the idea, including the reasons why, but it is we who actually vote on the issue.
Try and cast your mind to how this begins to change things. The politicians will no longer have real power. Lobbying and bribing will cease to exist because it would be futile, for it is we the people who would vote the decisions.
We will then see clearly that all we have are issues and ideas to collectively agree or disagree upon through our votes and it will become apparent what politics really are, a complete waste of time, energy and money which only serve to keep us arguing among ourselves and ridiculously taking sides over what are just solvable issues. In other words, we do NOT need politics or politicians any longer, technology has rendered them obsolete (thank heavens!).
Yes, this will take time for us to adapt to, but look at the alternatives, are you comfortable with how the future looks for your children?
Are you comfortable with the TPP and TTIP among other treasonous deals handing our resources over to corporations who now have more power than any government including that of the USA?
Are you comfortable with sending your sons and daughters off to unnecessary invasions (wars) which are nothing but policing for corporations who have been ordering our governments what to do for decades?
Do you feel our best interests were at heart when they allowed our manufacturing bases to be obliterated and sent overseas, your sons and daughters careers along with them?
Before you turn your back on the idea of direct democracy please take a long hard realistic look at where we are heading as a people, as a planet and who is really behind all of this. (Hint, you will not learn any of this from the mainstream media for they are owned and controlled by the same corporate machine).
Time To Re-evaluate Everything!
Folks, it really is time to take a serious long term look at our situations and grasp the fact that we ourselves must change our ways of thinking, adapt our basic beliefs of what life is and how we want it to unfold.
It is often said “we are the ones we have been waiting for.” We ourselves are the answer to our issues today and to do so, all we need is to change the system so that we have control instead of a handful of corruptible people who are experts at selling us out.
As I said earlier, we are often resistant or at least hesitant to accept real change but this change is not a million miles from where we are today.
It means we take back our power and engage, true freedom does require self-responsibility and all that would mean is we have to vote on a regular basis, big deal, is that it, is that all it would take to change the things which we know are wrong? Yes, that is IT!
Incidentally, direct democracy is not a new idea. The Swiss have enjoyed it for 700 years and although their model could use some improvements, the Swiss are the most free and democratic nation in the western world.
For example, recently the Swiss forced a referendum on who has the right to issue the nation’s money! For those who understand that it is the present system of usury (interest) and fractional reserve lending which are the root cause of the world’s issues, this is tremendous news!
There isn’t a politician alive that would attempt this, attempt to go up against the central bankers, because doing so would be suicide. This is a perfect example of the power of direct democracy, which is the power of the people. No banking institution or corporation can bribe, coerce or threaten an entire nation of voters.
If a nation can rid themselves of central bankers then they can do anything they want, they can change everything the majority agrees to and when you understand how we can have true democracy, justice, freedom and abundance with just a few fundamental changes, you will never look back.
This is also a generational change. It will be strange at first, mistakes of course will be made as they are today but over time, as our children become voters, all they will know is that regular voting is a natural part of life and they will look back to what we have today in disbelief that we ever put up with such a diabolically corrupt system.
Changes Possible with Direct Democracy
Imagine having a dedicated and unbiased TV channel and website which talks about what is really going on in the Middle East and around the World and being able to make educated (instead of propagandized) decisions on whether we should invade another nation.
Imagine having the power to decide that you no longer want the land ruined by pesticides and that one company should not own the patents to our food.
Imagine not having to protest and march over the fundamental right of having our foods labelled.
Imagine ending the power of corporations over our government and governmental agencies so that the products we consume are properly tested.
Imagine being able to tear up the treasonous trade deals which are destroying our quality of life. We are the ones who developed our consumer bases which also provided the jobs required to supply the needs.
Then our so-called representatives, without our tacit approval, gave it away. Must be nice for the likes of China, having ready-made economies to flood your cheap goods to! Thanks Senators and MP’s, nice job there looking after your corporate cronies! Imagine all of this and the fact that the bribery and corruption which has rotted our systems to the core, is over!
And what is the price to us? Voting on a regular basis, that’s it. Most people today live with their phones so it really isn’t a big deal to take a few minutes and vote.
How Can We Make This Happen?
How can we implement this idea, the present politicians will not want to lose their power and payola, if they really cared about the people they would have implemented this system a long time ago?
Correct, this is something WE must do. Forget what the representatives think, this is not about them and they do not serve us although they should be looking out for our best interests. In truth they would never be allowed to implement direct democracy because they are told what to do by their corporate and power elite masters.
This is where we can help ourselves. We do not need to march and protest or be an activist. It merely requires that we educate ourselves about direct democracy (this document should suffice; ) and start talking about it with friends, family and colleagues, you may be pleasantly surprised how people take to it.
Once you outline the problems we have today, the illusion of the vote as democracy, the bleak future, the corruption etc., it becomes quite easy to talk about direct democracy.
An idea whose time has come cannot be kept down and when enough people understand direct democracy and the changes it will bring, the collective consciousness will take over and critical mass will force our representatives to begin adopting it.
In fact, I believe that new representatives will run on that basis, to help implement direct democracy. From this you will yourself notice the new representatives become less political and more about what is best for their constituents.
Remember, corruption will disappear so this will encourage only those with our best interests at heart to run for office, an office that is no longer political but dedicated to providing the best information for the people vote on.
These representatives would be more like guardians of democracy or administrators than powerful politicians and they truly would be working for the people who elected them.
Their appeal would not be which party they were chosen to stand for but the skillset they have in providing solid, unbiased information to aid in our voting choices.
The Various Levels of Government
Direct democracy will, someday soon, be in full effect. This means it will be in effect at all levels of government from small towns to larger towns and cities, to the national level.
As direct democracy is about everyone joining in and engaging in local, regional and national decisions, I do not pretend to have all the answers and neither should I have. This is not about singular leaders, it is about everyone being a leader and whose ideas are as valid as the next person’s. It is not political or ideological, it thrives on everyone being counted with no one person having more power than the next (just look around the World to see where that has gotten us!)
Local and Regional Government
However, I have given some thought to how we may kick-start such a process so let’s begin at the local level. A town usually has a council which are elected and their job is to guard the taxpayer dollar, discuss improvements and make sure the town runs efficiently.
Direct democracy can be implemented whereby anything over a certain dollar value or a quality of life issue (such as a proposed multi-storey building blocking resident's views) would be researched and debated by council and put to vote by the local residents.
This would give the residents the final say over all decisions which will or may affect them. However, the smaller issues could be dealt with as usual by the council. The same could apply to larger towns and cities.
My own local council in Ontario, Canada meets each month and I would propose that local voting is open for the entire week afterwards so everyone has time to vote.
I am not saying there will not be challenges but a change in our systems, even a positive one will be both challenging and rewarding. Human ingenuity is incredible and we can over time, overcome any and all challenges.
National or Federal Government
At the federal level all decisions are major decisions and should be voted on by the people. Because of the removal of power from those elected, this system could possibly evolve over time to one which no longer requires an elected government but a panel of citizens overseeing each administrative department of government such as energy, education and transportation.
In such a case general elections would no longer be necessary, rather a random selection of citizens who wish to serve a one or two-year term as a guardian of democracy and sit on a panel overseeing and keeping in check one of the many administrative or government departments.
Imagine not having to suffer the asinine squabbles and arguments we see each day in our respective parliaments and Senates? Remember, issues are just issues we vote on, there’s no need to politicize any of it.
How Much Voting Will I Have to Do?
Good question, but really, with the power it gives us and the control we will have over our lives, does it matter?
At the local level it may be once per month. At the regional, county, state or provincial level voting could be organized for quarterly votes and nationally, again, quarterly, with at least one week allocated for each.
Questions & Answers
The following are questions I have had put to me about direct democracy and my answers for them;
Q: Electronic voting has in the past been compromised. How can you guarantee security and an accurate vote count
A: There are several ways to achieve security and accuracy with electronic voting. People have been using online banking for years now, they trust it and have no issues with it. Whatever the challenges, we are resourceful enough to overcome.
Q: Most people are too dumb to be allowed to vote?
A: That is in keeping with the present mindset, the present paradigm. Things will never improve all the while we maintain that same mindset.
We need to project into the future and see how we can gradually change and evolve with such a new way of thinking.
At first there will be many who do not fully understand certain issues and may vote the wrong way but over time, as people become engaged and discuss the upcoming votes they will naturally become more aware of what is going on and how their vote affects them.
What is challenging to envision is how things will naturally change and us along with it. This will be a generational change (which is nothing on the grand scale of things) and our children will only ever know direct democracy.
Q: How would we be informed about the issues, some issues are complicated and usually only understood by highly intelligent people who figure things out for us?
A: We would still utilize those who have the ability and experience to help explain the potential consequences of a YES or NO vote.
All issues would be debated and discussed on a dedicated public TV station and made available on a dedicated website.
If you haven’t had the chance to watch or read about the information, there will be a link beside each vote issue on the app which will take the voter to the information or a roundup of the most important points.
Q: If there aren’t any politicians in the future, who will come up with new ideas to improve things?
A: Every voter can propose an idea. We do not need politicians to show us the way, they are the problem and do not represent the people.
In a truly free nation everyone is a potential leader and their ideas have as much right to be proposed, qualified and voted on by the nation.
Q: If every voter can propose an idea, how do we stop the time wasting of frivolous proposals. What if I proposed free beer for all men between the ages of 21 and 35, what happens then?
A: All proposals have to be qualified by the people, this will remove frivolous proposals from the vote. How this works is at vote time there are 2 lists, potential proposals and qualified or real proposals.
The first list is stage one, this is where the people decide if the proposal should be included in the next round of research and debates for the real vote.
If a majority agree that the idea or proposal has merit then it goes to the panel for further research and debate and prepared for the real vote.
The panel would consist of experts and regular people who sign up to participate in the process for a set period of time.
Q: What happens if we vote yes for an idea which turns out to be a bad thing?
A: Anyone can propose to amend or remove it. This is an exciting aspect of direct democracy, by trial and error we eventually find stability and equilibrium, the lowest common denominator by which the nation is in harmony.
This is also far sooner than waiting for change for years as we do at present, and then nothing really changes!
Q: It sounds as if direct democracy would give us the opportunities to change whatever we want?
A: Yes it does, it is whatever the majority wants. This is a vast improvement on what we have at present because even with a majority government, many of those who voted for that party did so because they were the ‘lesser evil’ and not a 100% representation of their wishes.
With direct democracy we vote freely on every issue and we propose the new ideas on which to vote.
Q: I mentioned direct democracy to a friend who condemned it as ‘mob rule’, is it mob rule?
A: No it is not ‘mob rule’. This notion is completely disingenuous and a feeble attack on the fairest system possible to all voters.
There is a ridiculous ‘example’ making the rounds which claims democracy means if a group wants something you own, then they can take it! Nonsense, we have laws in place to protect us from such things and those laws will remain as long as the majority wish them to (and it is a certainty we will).
For those who reject democracy I say this, how does your own government pass decisions? Is it not by a show of hands and the majority carries, hence democracy?
Some of my American friends have rejected democracy because their nation is a constitutional republic with enshrined individual rights.
Really? Canada is a constitutional monarchy and Canadian’s have the charter of freedoms and rights to protect individual rights, more or less the same thing except Canadians (as with all western nations except Switzerland) think they have democracy.
And the US system has proven a dismal failure as it failed to protect its people, the US constitution now in shreds and barely worth the paper it is written on because of the silent dismantling via presidential executive orders and illegal powers bequeathed to the likes of the TSA and DHS, to name a couple.
Afraid of mob rule? A little late for that, this writer would suggest mob rule has been firmly in place for decades but has another name, ‘corrupt government’!
Q: I like the sound of true direct democracy but how do you propose it can happen, the politicians aren’t willingly going to give up their power?
A: Sad but correct that you, like most, already know they won’t want to give up their power, that even if they agreed it would be a better system, they would fight against its implementation. They will use the argument that they know best but where has this got us? If you want further detailed information about how truly awful the present systems are for us the people, please check my website www.theorganiceconomy.ca.
The best way to begin the process of changing to a direct democratic system is to first understand its immense power for the people, and second to talk to friends and family about it.
I usually begin by explaining how we don’t really have democracy, that we don’t really have a choice, that we cannot leave our futures in the hands of corrupt politicians who are selling out everything we have.
Most people agree with that and many are angry at how governments do so many things against the will of the people.
Then I talk about we the people having the say via digital voting and talk about the potential
changes we could make. That we would be truly free and not under the thumb of the corrupt old boy network establishment which has one law for them and one for us.
As we spread the word we can also encourage people to write or talk to their present representatives about direct democracy and that they want its implementation.
As more and more people do this the pressure begins to build.
When the critical mass of those who want direct democracy is reached, the new candidates will begin to campaign on that platform and we have won, it will gradually take root as the new system, just, fair and democratic.
Q: Would a direct democratic system be a socialist system?
A: No, a direct democratic system would be apolitical and free of all ‘ism’s’, all the known systems are top down controlled systems.
They all have a leadership which forces its will on the people whereas direct democracy looks to no one as a ‘leader’, rather, we are all leaders as we all have an equal say in our lives and how our nation moves forward.
Q: Are we capable of voting on important issues, isn’t that giving some people too much power to make poor decisions
A: Such a change as this would also change our ways of thinking and in time it would be second nature and an accepted part of our lives to vote regularly on major issues.
Of course, there will always be those whose ideas do not coincide with ours but that is the nature of a free society, embrace it!
What will happen is that people will learn that some things they voted for were not what they wanted after all, they can then, if they wish, propose a vote to modify or withdraw the idea.
Over time equilibrium will prevail as the vast majority of people are happy with how things are going, or at least happy with the process of getting there.
Another thing that will help with decision making is that we can all discuss the issues with each other without worrying about what people think about you.
As it stands now, you tell someone you are voting for party x or y and they sneer at you because they think their party is the right one.
When politics are out of the way and we are discussing ‘issues’ for voting on, we can all chat about them and share ideas for and against which further helps bring us into equilibrium.
Q: What kind of things could we change, I have many ideas I think would be beneficial to the country?
A: Potentially we can change everything we agree to change. Any idea can be proposed and voted for acceptance, which if accepted, will appear on the next vote list.
I hope this booklet has helped answer your questions and more importantly, that you grasp the fact we must change the systems as we simply cannot continue along this disastrous path we are now on.
You may read articles or watch videos of how the world is controlled by bankers, corporations and the power elite and wonder how we will ever be free of their grasp.
You may be sickened by the spectacle of the US presidential campaigns and can now see how there is no democracy, that it is a farce and the presidents and senators are bought and paid for by the same people.
You may realise now that although you elect and pay for your representatives, they do not represent you.
Fortunately we do not have to worry about any of that. Once we start bringing true direct democracy into play those players will gradually vanish from our lives and will have zero say or control over us and our national interests, for we will finally be truly free.
Written by John Reid of www.collectivelyconscious.net
About the Author
John Reid is an electrician who emigrated to Canada from England with his wife and two daughters in 1988. He has a deep passion for humanity and is driven to share new ideas as to how the people can end what can only be called economic slavery. He is the author of the free e-book The Organic Economy and the new novel As Dawn Approaches. His website is www.theorganiceconomy.ca. The Facebook fan page for his website can be found here.
This article (An Introduction To True Direct Democracy, Our Path To Freedom) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to John Reid and www.collectivelyconscious.net.