It's All Up To You

Reiki Doc's picture

There is a lot of activity going on around us these days. The energy is shifting between the dark and the light as if they were whirling in a blender! The only thing you have one hundred percent guarantee to NOT be disinformation is the feelings you have in your heart center at this time. Not your mind or your 'heart' where you don't really stop and think about it. Nature is 5D, the animal kingdom is 5D, and so are the plants. They were upgraded first. But the people? Those who have 'assignments' are Hue-manity (5D) and those who are 'awaiting their missions' are Humanity (3D) who are asleep. This article is designed to help you see more with your heart about where you are headed in this conflict. There is no right or wrong, only 'benchmarking' the Lightworker in you.


"It's all up to you"

Tao of Jonathon's picture

Thank you for sharing. Yes this is true. The earth drama is condensing and will play itself out. We need to refrain from judging. Sometimes that may not be easy. It is a world dream that we are awakening from (linear consciousness/3-D) and we are moving into 5th dimensional beings.
