Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast - Creating Change

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By: Jamye Price, 12/12/2013

You are a biomechanism of choice.  It is inbuilt into your system.  It is the brilliance of duality, the wisdom of non-duality and the fun of Life.  Change is a constant of Life.  It creates you, you create it and the spiral of Life continues to intertwine and flow in seemingly magical ways.  The magic?  It is merely the invisible peeking through and poking you – here I am – your move!  Follow the clues, for it is your soul speaking to you.  Your soul speaks through your emotions, through synchronicities and through others.  It speaks to you through a book, a movie, a flower.  With each interaction, you choose.  Sometimes you choose to move forward, sometimes you choose to resist, sometimes it seems that you don’t choose.  Yet you choose.  Every moment of every day.  In life, you aren’t creating massive change in each moment, you are adding information to your vibrational countenance.  Little by little, moment by moment, your life is created by you.


When you know that you don’t have the responsibility of making big action changes in each moment, you can rest easy.  You can play easy.  You can work easy.  You can enjoy.  Create in joy, for you are creating in each moment.  It is your subtle flow, your emotions and your thoughts that are interacting directly with the unseen energies that are forming in your life.  Your thoughts have an effect, as they are electromagnetic current that influence your experience.  Your emotions have an even greater effect, as the powerful electromagnetic current of your heart flows into your experience.  You are creating a vibrational signal that begins form.  It begins to form experience, which first comes as the peaceful openness to observe the clues to your life.  It forms synchronicities, signals and confirmations.  Then it forms opportunities.  All along you are choosing.  Then opportunity knocks - and still your choices are internal and the action follows that internal clue.  You are mechanism of change, choice steers your life.


As we sit to Blast Creating Change, we are enjoying each moment of life for the choice point it is – some seem big, some seem small, but in Truth they are all both.  We are observing life through the perspective of Love that it is, calling all to their individual empowerment.  We are tasting the buffet of life and feeding the future as we permeate the timelines with Love.  We are embracing change and consciously creating, as Love becomes our choice that creates the new.  Blast on!


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