by Amanda Froelich, True Activist
This successful venture is proof that recycling is beneficial for the planet and that plenty of citizens are willing to support eco-friendly initiatives.
It’s because printed newspapers are anything but environmentally friendly that many news sites have gone online (that, and because internet media reaches an audience at a much faster pace). One of the biggest daily newspapers in Japan, however, figured out a solution to the gargantuan amount of paper waste involved in printing the periodicals.
Because there’s an element of class and comfort in reading a print book or pamphlet, the Japanese “Green Newspaper” is made entirely of recycled and vegetable paper that can be composted after it’s read. Best of all, when planted, sprouts of plants will bloom! As LifeGate shares, the concept isn’t exactly ‘new’, but it is fascinating nonetheless.
The publisher encourages people to tear the newspaper into small pieces once it has been read, plant the shreds in soil, and then water the container. Within a few weeks, plants and flowers will present themselves as sprouts!
The concept was invented by Dentsu Inc, one of Japan’s largest advertising agencies, which works with “The Mainichi”. The motto of the paper is “The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues.” Clearly, this is the case. In the past, the advertising company proved its commitment to environmental protection by collaborating on a campaign that raised donations for populations suffering from thirst.
The initiative has been so popular with the public, the paper has generated over $700,000 for its publishers. And, with over four million copies circulated each day across the country, it’s become clear that not only is recycling helpful for the environment, it’s a concept many can support.
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