~ Join us Live for an Equinox Celebration of Love, Peace, and JOY~

Lia's picture

~ Today we are Hosting an Extra Special Internet Love Party as the Peace Energies come Pouring IN. We are getting reports from across the Planet of Awakenings occurring, Increased Visions, Increased Joy, Increased Feeling of the Incoming Energies and the list goes on at the Amount of Miracles Now Occurring. These will continue to accelerate across the Planet as these Energies increase in intensity.


These Current energies were decreed to arrive during this Equinox to Bring in Planetwide peace. We will be processing all of this intense energy for the next 72 hours. Its going to be intense everyone! The Entire Population of Planet Earth=Heart is being effected. This is going to really speed things UP as far as all Divine events manifesting as Decreed.

Join us Live today as We ground in these Intense Energies and make our way Forward towards Planetary Peace! Its Going to Happen One way or the Other. We are Humanity's Frontrunners, and We are Speaking LOUDLY NOW. Peace is Inevitibale.

Thank You for Joining us and Partipating IN your Part of the Divine Plan.

Love Party will begin at 1:30pm Pacific




Love The Earth Allies



Recent miracles... an answer

Guest's picture

Recent miracles... an answer to prayer...

One of my prayers is for the protection of the children.

On three occasions within the last two months I was shown my prayers are answered:


1) The first time a neighbor told me that her 30 year old daughter almost drowned while boating on the Cowichan River. Her boat got caught on a log and she was capsized. Her boat pulled her under and then her hair got caught on a tree root. Her daughter told me that she didn't know what happened but suddenly she was released and was able to swim to the surface. I knew it was an answer to prayer.


2) The second time I was parked at an intersection waiting somewhat impatiently for people to cross. Suddenly I noticed a van in the lane beside me start to move forward and right in front was a father and his little son riding a bicycle. Something stopped the van and they escaped uninjured. I said a prayer of thanks realizing that I had been shown again that my prayer for the protection of the children had been heard.


3) The third time a friend called me from Vancouver to say that her six granddaughter had fallen out of a two story home and escaped with only a few bruises and a sore hip. She had been sitting on the headboard of the bed talking to her twin sister when she fell backwards and the screen popped out of the window and she fell to the ground. My friend said the angels must have carried her to the ground.


I continue to pray for the children of the world knowing my prayers are heard.