~ Join US Live Now~ For The Internet Love Party for The Return of The Goddess~

Lia's picture

~ Join us For the Live Internet Love Party and Meditation for The Venus Transit ~The Return of the Goddess Energies~





~We Have Arrived~



Thank You for Sharing with your Groups, And All Loved Ones.


Venus Incarnate

Venus herself emerges from the gaping jaw of the Earth Monster, she holds the double headed Serpent bar usually held by Mayan Kings.

Glyphs around her tell of her pure heart and the shifting of the Ages.  Bees hover in the Mothership above her.

Prints available, also Private Maya Horoscope charts.

Carlos Cedillo






borked...I mean FIXME::

Jazz's picture

wont accept Flash >10.3. 11.2 is the standard now.Installed fresh from Adobe 64bit RPM after DEBian conversion, which does not break anything.


Try a newer chat room?

We've been exploring other

will's picture

We've been exploring other options, as TinyChat is rather limited in many respects. We haven't yet found one that offers as much as TinyChat does, while being simple and easy to use, though we're still looking.

Too Bad

Guest's picture

I'm sorry, .. but I am sooooo disappointed!!! That meditation was just not any good at all. Poor quality, .. couldn't make out half of it. Big time disappointed