Jon Stewart Bought A New Jersey Farm And Is Turning It Into An Animal Sanctuary

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Source: | Original Post Date: May 6, 2015 –

Stewart and his wife, Tracey, have plans to purchase a New Jersey farm and transform it into an animal sanctuary.

Jon Stewart, the hilarious host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, is a New Jersey native who is ready to return to the simple life. As he winds down his stellar 16-year-career, though, many wonder what new hobbies will employ his time.

According to EcoRazzi, the beloved comedian and his wife, Tracey McShane, have ambitious plans to purchase a New Jersey farm and transform it into an animal sanctuary for rescued farm animals.

The animal advocacy group Farm Sanctuary recently released the following in a press release:

“The couple recently bought a farm in New Jersey with the intention of providing a home for farm animals rescued from cruelty, and in November, Tracey purchased Adopt a Farm Animal sponsorships for all of their Thanksgiving guests.”
