Just a Thought
Humanity's future is full of great potential,
We can communicate instantaneously and have produced vessels to enable us to travel with ease,
Our technology has bought us ever closer to space travel which could soon become the norm,
We have created machinery and tools for our advancement and
Many times marvelled at our magnificence,
Yet there is an underlying issue at hand,
Simply put,
We are not united as a species
We allow ourselves to be determined
Culturally religiously and independently to be moved in directions which oppose unification as a species.
And until we as the great people we are intended to be overcome these issues we will reverse in our technological and spiritual evolution,
We must learn to accept each-other and bring about the change that is very simple and necessary yet at these present times very hard to grasp.
With technological advancement funding we could explore the universe, we needn't have wars over resources such as gases oil and water, the universe is abundant in resources, while their are planets made of diamonds many a people have died for diamonds,
While Africa and other nations go without water there are planets which have just water,
The conflicts and cancerous hate of this world will be eliminated through Love,
I believe this strongly but until then we will remain this way,
It is unfortunate indeed.
We will overcome these issues with unity, we will explore, we will OVERCOME.
- Seyhan