The Last Judgment

David Porter's picture

Judgment/judgement day is upon us. Your day of judgment has always been with you, it begins as you awaken. This is judgement of thyself, to thyself, and by thyself. The judgment in quest here is that of a judgment placed by you upon that which you believe to be, in your limited thoughts, another. This judgment is incompatible with the vibrational frequencies of the fifth dimension, (Heaven).


Are you fit to enter the Gates of Heaven? Are you ready? Are you in vibrational harmony with what exists Inside of Those Pearly Gates? Is it a strong and predominate desire, thought, intent that you have? If so, do you entertain it daily? 


Let us have Mafu tell this story as He does it so well. Mafu is a Highly evolved Spiritual Being that came to us in July of 1986 shortly before the Harmonic Convergence of August 16-17, 1987. Mafu explained to us how the endocrine system works and how we block it. Let us see the information in part that Mafu, channelled to us in the late 80s to early 90s had to say on this important topic.


“Jeshua Ben Joseph, known to you as Jesus was Christ Spirit. So are you. Each of you allow, that is Christ. Allow, Christ, allow, Christ, it is one in the same. It is allowance in totality of that which your are.


When you judge, it’s your altered ego, your anti-Christ. Anti-Christ and judgment are precisely the same thing. Anti-Christ equals judgment. There is not some entity with horns upon his head, hoofs upon his feet, who shall come to you riding on back of a lion with wings, indeed, and speak to you. “I am the anti-Christ.” Because the anti-Christ is here in the brain. The grandest embattlement you will ever see in that which you term to be the end of the world, will be in the mind, in the brain. It’s going on right now with you.


Begin now, each breath, allow an unlimited thought to occur. This can be anything. My favourite is, “God I AM.” This opens more and more and more the brain to receivership. This process cannot work with judgment. You must relinquish judgment. In order to relinquish judgment you must embrace it.

If I judge the entity that murders, I have not owned murder. I have not owned the emotion murder provoked. Each one of you have murdered and yet you will not own up to it. Until you will own it, you will judge it and therefore never relinquish it. How can you judge? For you judge yourselves. And the judgment masters, one judgment, will keep you in your cycles of reincarnation. It’s not that your wish not to return, it’s that you desire to get out of your limitedness that causes your return again and again and again. 


When you judge any other entity because of her hair, because of a hideous act as you judge it to be, indeed, you judge yourselves. You judge the Beloved Father Who rests within your soul. And you will never, never, relinquish limited thought through judgement because it is the same thing.”


Up to 12/12/12 when the beginning of the end of “time” as we have become accustomed to, ends on 12/21/12, we have approximately122,400 minutes, 2,040 hours, which of course is 85 days remaining. How will you spend this one?


Make the next judgment you place on another “The last Judgment,” agianst any and all things. Send Love as the remidy, and repeat this replacement until you no longer place this blockade on yourself in the demise of your own process of ascension.


You know how they say "it's all good," well, it is all God, all of It.


“Draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you."


                          May God be with You, as He cannot “be” without You.


REF: For furter readings on the Mafu tapes, they were recorded then placed in the book Rememeber Who You Are, Reemergence of a Queen.