It is natural to think of others and on behalf of mankind altogether. World thoughts for survival have mis-distributed the idea of loving others as yourself.
“Kill or be killed” is not the theme of your life, nor is it the theme of most people’s lives, although this theme is carried along less dramatically in expressions such as: “Look out for yourself,” and “Get while the getting’s good” or “Take the biggest piece of pie” or: “Think of Number 1.”
These ideas may still be rife on Earth. For many years, life has been for survival, yet you are here for more than survival. “For the good of all” is something to remember. Unquestionably, you are here on Earth for more than yourself. You are here for Me.
Bear in mind it’s possible that a woman who spends a great deal of her time in spas and on beauty treatments, by her very beauty, may inspire others. Of course, it might be a sound idea for this woman to treat another woman to a day at a spa. Love is what We are speaking of here, after all.
Some people may spend their lifetimes seeking enlightenment yet seeking enlightenment for themselves alone, the way others might seek a fur coat or a new car. They are desperate to have enlightenment and may not be thinking of anyone else.
There is a big world, and good hearts are to encompass the world. Less self-centeredness is part of being enlightened. If all the money in the world could buy enlightenment and someone who has been a “me, me, me” person all his life becomes enlightened, could he continue to be self-centered?
My advice is not intended to become a rule to go by. It is not an ordinance. You are not meant to calculate a percentage. Nor is this meant to be a scale you use as judgment on yourself or others. On the other hand, why not remember that you are not the only person in the world and that your life is not the only life to nourish?
Gently remind yourself that life spent with your whole intent on yourself isn’t what you are here on Earth for. You are here to serve and to serve Me. Serve Me by serving more than yourself.
Ah, at the same time, you are not to sacrifice. Sacrifice is not admirable. Giving with a glad heart in joy is what I’m talking about.
In the world, it is not always easy to comprehend the line between selfish and sacrifice. You are not here only for yourself at the same time as you are not here only for others. You can’t really live life unless you are part of it.
Consider the theme of sharing more like a subliminal idea. Your question in every activity is not to be: “Am I being selfish or unselfish?” Have the concept of generosity at the back of your mind and not in front, for you want your words and actions in life to come spontaneously. Life is not meant to be contrived. Basically, life is your reward. It is not necessary to be concerned about so many things.
No need to have to think about life in terms of going within or in terms of going in an outer direction. In time, you will know in and out as the same.
Well, you won’t stay out all night, and you won’t meditate all day, doesn’t that sound right! Lean toward love, and you will be fine.