Life is But A Dream...

MitziLove's picture



That moment when you're in a dream and things aren't going quite your way. You're experiencing fear and panic. You don't know which way to go. Then suddenly, you remember this is your very own dream (creation) and you're in control. From that moment until the end, you are the master of your world. Anything you see or experience is completely up to you. You are aware of this so you have fun with it.


Such is life. It is only a dream. When you are seemingly awake but unaware in daily life, you may feel that there is some force or forces outside of self causing things to happen to you and unwanted events to occur. When you experience your awakening (from the dream of life into higher consciousness) to your full potential, you know without doubt that your life is your dream. You are completely aware that you are eternal pure consciousness having a dream experience with a physical body. With this awareness, you become conscious co-creator. You and only you are causing whatever comes your way to do so in the physical realm. You are creator, the master. You are manifesting outcomes with mere thoughts. 


Wake up! You're at the helm captain! Take charge of your life/dream and create what your heart desires. It's all yours.

Sweet dreams. 

"merrily, merrily, merrily,merrily, life is but a dream...