Life as a Picture Book

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Beloveds, I have heard you say to Me:

“God, when I look back on my life, it is, as You say, like something I read about or made up. The place where I was born and where I have traveled and even where I am now seem imagined and very far away in time and space, as if they were no more than thoughts. I have a sense of not having been anywhere ever, or knowing where I am now even as I sit in my chair. It’s as if there is nowhere to be. In one sense, this farawayness seems like progress while, at the same time, I feel lost at sea. Is it boundaries I cry for?”

Beloveds, most certainly you are missing the comfort of boundaries. You are, in a sense, dislocated. It’s like memories are all so far away in the distance that you are no longer attached to them. It’s like memories are thoughts you pluck out of nowhere and have nothing to do with the present-day so-called you.

You suppose this means you are not attached, yet it seems you are attached to the attachment. It is as if your memories are not really connected to you, and yet they are the memories you have, and when you think of your mother and father and brothers and sisters all gone, you are so sad. You know what you want is impossible on this level, and yet you still wish you could have everything back on Earth again as it used to be even for a few minutes.

Beloveds, your family was never real. Life was always something made up. You were reading a picture book, and you thought you yourself were in the book too and that the picture book was real life on Earth. Yes, you thought you were somewhere and that there were places like Tinsel Town and corn fields to be when there is no place at all.

You feel like you should be happy now, yet feeling unconnected is not happy for you. Now you begin to think that you have felt disconnected all your life from everyone and everything no matter how much the people and the events meant to you. You may have always been an outsider wandering in the wilderness even when the wilderness was your sense of aloneness. And now you tell yourself that you are going through a hard time.

Go through this if you must call it a hard time, and then walk on air and get over here to Me, even as there is no here and no there. Stand tall with Me. Align with Me. Rise to your natural state of Oneness until there is no I, no God out there at all, and not you either, simply Oneness, simply Light, simply All That There Is and Nothing at All as you have wound yourself up to be.

You have desire mixed with fear. You really do want to lose yourself, yet you fear being lost. You wonder how you can find yourself again, for now you find yourself so far away from yourself as you have known yourself to be.

I am going to count noses now of all present here with Me now. I count One.

Remember when you were very young and how your father would take away your nose and show it to you as the tip of his thumb glimpsed through his fingers? This was a delicious moment, and you would squeal, “Give me back my nose! Give me back my nose back!” You knew your nose was intact at the same time as you felt incomplete and had to have your nose back, or you knew not what.

This childhood game is stilled played in life one way or another. All of that which is on Earth is a game. We can call it a game of Now you see Me, and now you don’t. Decide. Come, merge with Me.
